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tomerdragucki edited this page Jul 2, 2017 · 19 revisions

The Athenizer is a project within the Spartan Refactoring project, which adds the feature of bloating your code in order to make it bigger and easier to debug. The Athenizer offers friendly GUI that allows both bloating and spartanizing your code in an easy way!

A short video describing the athenizer can be found - here


The Athenizer is part of the Spartan Refactoring plugin, so you need to install the Spartan Refactoring plugin according to the instructions detailed in Spartan Refactoring Installation Instructions, and then you'll be able to use all Athenizer features.

User Interface

Throughout this tutorial you are recommended to try the features in order to feel it yourself. You can use the code provided here.

Main Menu

The main spartanization menu includes Athenizer features as follows:

  • Spartanizer->Athenize..->current selection: preforms 1 code bloating on the text currently selected.
  • Spartanizer->Athenize..->active window: preforms code bloating on active window.

Spartanize / Athenize the whole selection:

  • In order to spartanize, press: 2.png
  • In order to athenize, press: 3.png

Other Features

Mouse Wheel Zooming

The main feature offered by The Athenizer is zooming in/out your code using your mouse wheel:

zoom in - ctrl+scroll mouse wheel up zoom out - ctrl+scroll mouse wheel down

In order to use this feature you first have to activate it by one of the following ways:

  • Spartanizer->Athenize..->Toggle Athenizer
  • Pressing ctrl+alt+d
  • Pressing ctrl+8
  • Pressing the button: * Pressing the button: 4.png which appears in the upper menu bar. which appears in the upper menu bar.

Note that the next press will deactivate the athenizer's zoomer.

Shortcut Zooming

The main feature offered by The Athenizer is zooming in/out your code using your mouse wheel.

zoom in - ctrl+alt+'+' zoom out - ctrl+alt+'-'

In order to use this feature you first have to activate it by one of the following ways:

  • Spartanizer->Athenize..->Toggle Athenizer
  • Pressing ctrl+alt+d
  • Pressing ctrl+8
  • Pressing the button: 4.png which appears in the upper menu bar.

Note that the next press will deactivate the athenizer's zoomer.

Joystick Control

  • Make sure that the joystick is activated according to the installation instructions

  • Pressing ctrl+alt+d / Spartanizer->Athenize..->Toggle Athenizer

  • Pressing the button: 4.png which appears in the upper menu bar.

  • Tilt the joystick forward\backward while pressing the rear button in order to zoom in\out

  • Tilt the joystick left\right while pressing the rear button in order to set the length of method arguments.

The Widget

From the pre-release of 2.10.1, the athenizer comes with a built in widget that can be used to contol it. 2017-06-03_13-22-53.png

In order to activate the Widget, press the following button: 1.png

Current operations include:

  • git pull/push/commit
  • zomming in and out of a file
  • cleaning a project

Notice: git commit won't take care of new files automatically

If a git commit failed- it is better to check for conflicts in the terminal

To widget can be activated from:

  • Spartanizer->Widget->Launch Spartan Widget
  • pressing ctrl+alt+w

The widget prefernces page can be accessed from the eclipse preferences page (found under window->preferences), under java->spartanization tips->widget. In that page you can add buttons to the widget. In the future, more operations will be added to choose from and the widget will allow more customization.

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