Downlaod the last updated EXE file (file size is not small ~215 MB)
- Run the EXE file by clicking on it then hitting enter (hint: plz add it to your antivirus whitelist).
- Wait few seconds as the program initializes.
Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
Enter a start seating num (in range 100000-999999), then hit Enter. (i.e. 858520 for example)
Enter how many iterations you want to apply, then hit Enter (i.e. 20 for example)
The software is doing its job now and scraping the results data from this website:
The software is working in the background and start from your previous provided seating number and continue untill finishing the loop over all provider range.
After the software doing the extracting the data, you should have CSV file only contains the valid seating numbers in your range. (in the same directory of the software)