Flexible endoscopy platform.
The simulations are done using the simulation framework SOFA. Binaries of SOFA with the required and optional plugins are available here. If you compile SOFA, download the following source code:
- SOFA on branch master
- SofaPython3 plugin for SOFA on branch master
- Cosserat plugin on branch master
- BeamAdapter plugin on branch master
- SoftRobots plugin on branch master
- STLIB plugin on branch master
and follow these instructions. In the CMake GUI also enable the following plugins:
- ArticulatedSystemPlugin (distributed with SOFA)
You will also need to install:
- toml for the configuration files
- SoftRobots.Inverse plugin for SOFA to solve the inverse kinematics of the robot
- MultiThreading plugin for SOFA
- tkinter to use a GUI to control the robot. This package is distributed by default with python on MacOS and Windows.
- ROS2 to send commands to the robot from an external program (last tested with ROS2 Humble)
- pyopengl to send the SOFA view image through ROS (WIP)
First add the repository to your PYTHONPATH. Scenarios are described using toml files. To run a scenario:
~$ cd TIRREX.Endoscopy
~/TIRREX.Endoscopy$ runSofa scene.py --argv configs/scenario1.toml
To make your own scenario. One EndoscopeWagon
will be added by default. You can have a look at Endoscopy/config.py
to see the default parameters. To change some parameters, just add an EndoscopeWagon
your custom parameters. For instance:
instrumentsHead=["gripper","hook"] # options are "gripper" or "hook"
hysteresis=[1, 1, 1, 1] # in mm, cables' play
# hysteresis: [up/down flexion endoscope,
# left/right flexion endoscope,
# flexion left instrument,
# flexion right instrument]
To add other items to the simulation:
[Items.Box] # "Box" will be the name of the item in your simulation's graph
type='Rigid' # options are "Rigid" or "Deformable"
These parameters have no default value and have to be set by the user. Have a look at Endoscopy/config.py
to see
the other optional parameters and their default value.
- To disable the GUI to control the robot, in
- If you want to use ROS you will first need to source it in your terminal, for instance:
~/TIRREX.Endoscopy$ source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
Then runSofa. To enable the use of ROS, in YOUR_CONFIG.toml
- [DEV] If you want to test the simulation of each part of the platform independently. Open a terminal and run:
~$ cd TIRREX.Endoscopy
~/TIRREX.Endoscopy$ runSofa scripts/instrument/robot.py # an instrument
~/TIRREX.Endoscopy$ runSofa scripts/endoscope/robot.py # the endoscope with two instruments
~/TIRREX.Endoscopy$ runSofa scripts/endoscopewagon/robot.py # the platform
The geometric and mechanical parameters of the endoscope and instruments can be changed from:
Two topics are created on the node SOFASimulation:
- the topic /TIRREX/endoscopy/simulationCommands, on which the actual dofs values are being published at each time step of the simulation
- the topic /TIRREX/endoscopy/simulationFramesOI, on which some frames of interest are being published at each time step of the simulation (see endoscope.py/addFramesOfInterest() and docs/FramesOfInterest.pdf)
- WIP: the topic /TIRREX/endoscopy/simulationImage, on which the SOFA view image is being published at each time step of the simulation
- and the topic /TIRREX/endoscopy/interfaceCommands, on which the simulation is subscribing and looking for commands
The simulation expects the following commands (see file TIRREX.Endoscopy/controller.py
# A list of 12 elements
[ q0, # endoscope flexion Up/Down in degree/s
q1, # endoscope flexion Left/Right in degree/s
q2, # endoscope rotation in degree/s
q3, # endoscope translation in mm/s
q4, # instrument Left translation in mm/s
q5, # instrument L rotation in degree/s
q6, # instrument L flexion L/R in degree/s
q7, # instrument L gripper in degree
q8, # instrument Right translation in mm/s
q9, # instrument R rotation in degree/s
q10, # instrument R flexion L/R in degree/s
q11, # instrument R gripper in degree
Offsets, limits, and directions for each command/actuation can be changed in the file TIRREX.Endoscopy/params.py
class CommandParams:
direction: int = 1 # to inverse the direction
offset: int = 0
limit: list = field(default_factory=lambda: [0, 0]) # [min, max]
factor: float = 1
class EndoscopeCommandParams:
translation: CommandParams = CommandParams(-1, -95, [-205, 1]) # mm
rotation: CommandParams = CommandParams(-1, -61, [-200, 200]) # degree
flexionUD: CommandParams = CommandParams(-1, 0, [-150, 150]) # degree
flexionLR: CommandParams = CommandParams(1, 0, [-150, 150]) # degree
class InstrumentCommandParams:
translation: CommandParams = CommandParams(-1, -63, [-147, -2]) # mm
rotation: CommandParams = CommandParams(1, -75, [-360, 360]) # degree
flexionLR: CommandParams = CommandParams(1, 0, [-36, 36]) # degree
gripper: CommandParams = CommandParams(1, 13.5, [-5, 30], 1) # degree
Eulalie Coevoet