An Android example App that simulates "get SMS OTP" flow:
- click the "get SMS OTP" button
- disable the button and show progressbar while waiting for response
- count down from 10 to 0
- the button can be clicked again
- macOS 11.6 (Big Sur) x64
- Android Studio Bumblebee Patch 1
- Android SDK version 31
- JDK: 11
- Gradle: 7.2
- Kotlin: 1.6.10
- RxJava: 3.1.3
- RxJava2系列实践之倒计时功能(三)
- Day 7 ViewModel (Last) 應用與心得總結
- View Binding
- How to create a countdown with flow coroutines
- LiveData Overview
- CountDownTimer
- RxJava2 and LiveData
- Sealed interfaces in Kotlin
- Kotlin flows on Android
- StateFlow and SharedFlow
- Class BehaviorSubject
- update UI by Compose State.