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Updated docstrings and workflow
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axsaucedo committed Feb 10, 2021
1 parent b386113 commit c78a025
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Showing 3 changed files with 154 additions and 95 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -170,6 +170,12 @@ run_ci:

####### General project commands #######

python -m pybind11_mkdoc \
-o python/src/docstrings.hpp \
single_include/kompute/Kompute.hpp \

python3 -m pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt

Expand Down
242 changes: 147 additions & 95 deletions python/src/docstrings.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,20 +119,48 @@ integrate with the vulkan kompute use.
@param device Vulkan logical device to use for all base resources
@param physicalDeviceIndex Index for vulkan physical device used)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_tensor =
R"doc(Function that simplifies the common workflow of tensor creation and
initialization. It will take the constructor parameters for a Tensor
and will will us it to create a new Tensor and then create it using
the OpCreateTensor command.
@param data The data to initialize the tensor with @param tensorType
The type of tensor to initialize @returns Initialized Tensor with
memory Syncd to GPU device)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_createDevice = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_createInstance = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_destroy =
R"doc(Destroy owned Vulkan GPU resources and free GPU memory for single
@param tensors Single tensor to rebuild)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_destroy_2 =
R"doc(Destroy owned Vulkan GPU resources and free GPU memory for vector of
@param tensors Single tensor to rebuild)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_destroy_3 =
R"doc(Destroy owned Vulkan GPU resources and free GPU memory for vector of
sequences. Destroying by sequence name is more efficent and hence
recommended instead of by object.
@param sequences Vector for shared ptrs with sequences to destroy)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_destroy_4 =
R"doc(Destroy owned Vulkan GPU resources and free GPU memory for single
sequence. Destroying by sequence name is more efficent and hence
recommended instead of by object.
@param sequences Single sequence to rebuild)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_destroy_5 =
R"doc(Destroy owned Vulkan GPU resources and free GPU memory for sequence by
@param sequenceName Single name of named sequence to destroy)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_destroy_6 =
R"doc(Destroy owned Vulkan GPU resources and free GPU memory for sequences
using vector of named sequence names.
@param sequenceName Vector of sequence names to destroy)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_evalOp =
R"doc(Function that evaluates operation against named sequence.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,14 +206,6 @@ R"doc(Function that evaluates operation against a newly created sequence.
TArgs Template parameters that will be used to initialise Operation to
allow for extensible configurations on initialisation)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_sequence =
R"doc(Get or create a managed Sequence that will be contained by this
manager. If the named sequence does not currently exist, it would be
created and initialised.
@param sequenceName The name for the named sequence to be retrieved or
created @return Shared pointer to the manager owned sequence resource)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_mComputeQueueFamilyIndices = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_mComputeQueues = R"doc()doc";
Expand All @@ -202,10 +222,50 @@ static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_mInstance = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_mManagedSequences = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_mManagedTensors = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_mPhysicalDevice = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_mPhysicalDeviceIndex = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_rebuild =
R"doc(Function that simplifies the common workflow of tensor initialisation.
It will take the constructor parameters for a Tensor and will will us
it to create a new Tensor. The tensor memory will then be managed and
owned by the manager.
@param tensors Array of tensors to rebuild @param syncDataToGPU
Whether to sync the data to GPU memory)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_rebuild_2 =
R"doc(Function that simplifies the common workflow of tensor initialisation.
It will take the constructor parameters for a Tensor and will will us
it to create a new Tensor. The tensor memory will then be managed and
owned by the manager.
@param tensors Single tensor to rebuild @param syncDataToGPU Whether
to sync the data to GPU memory)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_sequence =
R"doc(Get or create a managed Sequence that will be contained by this
manager. If the named sequence does not currently exist, it would be
created and initialised.
@param sequenceName The name for the named sequence to be retrieved or
created @param queueIndex The queue to use from the available queues
@return Shared pointer to the manager owned sequence resource)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Manager_tensor =
R"doc(Function that simplifies the common workflow of tensor creation and
initialization. It will take the constructor parameters for a Tensor
and will will us it to create a new Tensor and then create it. The
tensor memory will then be managed and owned by the manager.
@param data The data to initialize the tensor with @param tensorType
The type of tensor to initialize @param syncDataToGPU Whether to sync
the data to GPU memory @returns Initialized Tensor with memory Syncd
to GPU device)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpAlgoBase =
R"doc(Operation that provides a general abstraction that simplifies the use
of algorithm and parameter components which can be used with shaders.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -334,8 +394,6 @@ static const char *__doc_kp_OpAlgoLhsRhsOut_mTensorOutput =
R"doc(< Reference to the parameter used in the output of the shader and will
be copied with a staging vector)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpAlgoLhsRhsOut_mTensorOutputStaging = R"doc(< Staging temporary tensor user do to copy the output of the tensor)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpAlgoLhsRhsOut_mTensorRHS =
R"doc(< Reference to the parameter used in the right hand side equation of
the shader)doc";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -371,8 +429,7 @@ sub-components.
@param physicalDevice Vulkan physical device used to find device
queues @param device Vulkan logical device for passing to Algorithm
@param commandBuffer Vulkan Command Buffer to record commands into
@param tensors Tensors that are to be used in this operation @param
freeTensors Whether operation manages the memory of the Tensors)doc";
@param tensors Tensors that are to be used in this operation)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpBase_init =
R"doc(The init function is responsible for setting up all the resources and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,51 +520,15 @@ static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorCopy_record =
R"doc(Records the copy commands from the first tensor into all the other
tensors provided. Also optionally records a barrier.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorCreate =
R"doc(Operation that creates tensor and manages the memory of the components

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorCreate_OpTensorCreate = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorCreate_OpTensorCreate_2 =
R"doc(Default constructor with parameters that provides the bare minimum
requirements for the operations to be able to create and manage their
@param physicalDevice Vulkan physical device used to find device
queues @param device Vulkan logical device for passing to Algorithm
@param commandBuffer Vulkan Command Buffer to record commands into
@param tensors Tensors that will be used to create in operation.
@param freeTensors Whether operation manages the memory of the Tensors)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorCreate_init =
R"doc(In charge of initialising the primary Tensor as well as the staging
tensor as required. It will only initialise a staging tensor if the
Primary tensor is of type Device. For staging tensors it performs a
mapDataIntoHostMemory which would perform immediately as opposed to on
sequence eval/submission.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorCreate_mStagingTensors = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorCreate_postEval =
R"doc(Performs a copy back into the main tensor to ensure that the data
contained is the one that is now being stored in the GPU.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorCreate_preEval = R"doc(Does not perform any preEval commands.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorCreate_record =
R"doc(Record runs the core actions to create the tensors. For device tensors
it records a copyCommand to move the data from the staging tensor to
the device tensor. The mapping for staging tensors happens in the init
function not in the record function.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncDevice =
R"doc(Operation that syncs tensor's device by mapping local data into the
device memory. For TensorTypes::eDevice it will use a staging tensor
to perform the copy. For TensorTypes::eHost it will only copy the
data and perform a map, which will be executed during the record (as
opposed to during the sequence eval/submit). This function cannot be
carried out for TensorTypes::eHost.)doc";
device memory. For TensorTypes::eDevice it will use a record operation
for the memory to be syncd into GPU memory which means that the
operation will be done in sync with GPU commands. For
TensorTypes::eStaging it will only map the data into host memory which
will happen during preEval before the recorded commands are
dispatched. This operation won't have any effect on

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncDevice_OpTensorSyncDevice = R"doc()doc";

Expand All @@ -523,28 +544,25 @@ queues @param device Vulkan logical device for passing to Algorithm

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncDevice_init =
R"doc(Performs basic checks such as ensuring that there is at least one
tensor provided, that they are initialized and that they are not of
type TensorTpes::eHost. For staging tensors in host memory, the map
is performed during the init function.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncDevice_mStagingTensors = R"doc()doc";
tensor provided with min memory of 1 element.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncDevice_postEval = R"doc(Does not perform any postEval commands.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncDevice_preEval = R"doc(Does not perform any preEval commands.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncDevice_record =
R"doc(For device tensors, it records the copy command to the device tensor
from the temporary staging tensor.)doc";
R"doc(For device tensors, it records the copy command for the tensor to copy
the data from its staging to device memory.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncLocal =
R"doc(Operation that syncs tensor's local data by mapping the data from
device memory into the local vector. For TensorTypes::eDevice it will
use a staging tensor to perform the copy. For TensorTypes::eHost it
will only copy the data and perform a map, which will be executed
during the postSubmit (there will be no copy during the sequence
eval/submit). This function cannot be carried out for
R"doc(Operation that syncs tensor's local memory by mapping device data into
the local CPU memory. For TensorTypes::eDevice it will use a record
operation for the memory to be syncd into GPU memory which means that
the operation will be done in sync with GPU commands. For
TensorTypes::eStaging it will only map the data into host memory which
will happen during preEval before the recorded commands are
dispatched. This operation won't have any effect on

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncLocal_OpTensorSyncLocal = R"doc()doc";

Expand All @@ -560,10 +578,7 @@ queues @param device Vulkan logical device for passing to Algorithm

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncLocal_init =
R"doc(Performs basic checks such as ensuring that there is at least one
tensor provided, that they are initialized and that they are not of
type TensorTpes::eHost.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncLocal_mStagingTensors = R"doc()doc";
tensor provided with min memory of 1 element.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncLocal_postEval =
R"doc(For host tensors it performs the map command from the host memory into
Expand All @@ -572,8 +587,8 @@ local memory.)doc";
static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncLocal_preEval = R"doc(Does not perform any preEval commands.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_OpTensorSyncLocal_record =
R"doc(For device tensors, it records the copy command into the staging
tensor from the device tensor.)doc";
R"doc(For device tensors, it records the copy command for the tensor to copy
the data from its device to staging memory.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Sequence = R"doc(Container of operations that can be sent to GPU as batch)doc";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -699,8 +714,9 @@ static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_Tensor_2 =
R"doc(Default constructor with data provided which would be used to create
the respective vulkan buffer and memory.
@param data Vector of data that will be used by the tensor @param
tensorType Type for the tensor which is of type TensorTypes)doc";
@param data Non-zero-sized vector of data that will be used by the
tensor @param tensorType Type for the tensor which is of type

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_TensorTypes =
R"doc(Type for tensors created: Device allows memory to be transferred from
Expand All @@ -714,13 +730,19 @@ static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_TensorTypes_eHost = R"doc(< Type is host memo

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_TensorTypes_eStorage = R"doc(< Type is Device memory (only))doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_allocateBindMemory = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_allocateMemoryCreateGPUResources = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_constructDescriptorBufferInfo =
R"doc(Constructs a vulkan descriptor buffer info which can be used to
specify and reference the underlying buffer component of the tensor
without exposing it.
@return Descriptor buffer info with own buffer)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_copyBuffer = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_createBuffer = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_data =
Expand All @@ -735,9 +757,13 @@ static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_freeMemoryDestroyGPUResources =
R"doc(Destroys and frees the GPU resources which include the buffer and

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_getBufferUsageFlags = R"doc()doc";
static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_getPrimaryBufferUsageFlags = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_getPrimaryMemoryPropertyFlags = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_getMemoryPropertyFlags = R"doc()doc";
static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_getStagingBufferUsageFlags = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_getStagingMemoryPropertyFlags = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_init =
R"doc(Initialiser which calls the initialisation for all the respective
Expand All @@ -751,24 +777,32 @@ R"doc(Returns true if the tensor initialisation function has been carried
out successful, which would mean that the buffer and memory will have
been provisioned.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mBuffer = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mData = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mDevice = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mFreeBuffer = R"doc()doc";
static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mFreePrimaryBuffer = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mFreeMemory = R"doc()doc";
static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mFreePrimaryMemory = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mIsInit = R"doc()doc";
static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mFreeStagingBuffer = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mMemory = R"doc()doc";
static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mFreeStagingMemory = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mIsInit = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mPhysicalDevice = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mPrimaryBuffer = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mPrimaryMemory = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mShape = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mStagingBuffer = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mStagingMemory = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mTensorType = R"doc()doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_mapDataFromHostMemory =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -809,6 +843,24 @@ a staging buffer transfer, or to gather output (between others).
createBarrier Whether to create a barrier that ensures the data is
copied before further operations. Default is true.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_recordCopyFromDeviceToStaging =
R"doc(Records a copy from the internal device memory to the staging memory
using an optional barrier to wait for the operation. This function
would only be relevant for kp::Tensors of type eDevice.
@param commandBuffer Vulkan Command Buffer to record the commands into
@param createBarrier Whether to create a barrier that ensures the data
is copied before further operations. Default is true.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_recordCopyFromStagingToDevice =
R"doc(Records a copy from the internal staging memory to the device memory
using an optional barrier to wait for the operation. This function
would only be relevant for kp::Tensors of type eDevice.
@param commandBuffer Vulkan Command Buffer to record the commands into
@param createBarrier Whether to create a barrier that ensures the data
is copied before further operations. Default is true.)doc";

static const char *__doc_kp_Tensor_setData =
R"doc(Sets / resets the vector data of the tensor. This function does not
perform any copies into GPU memory and is only performed on the host.)doc";
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions scripts/requirements.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ Sphinx==3.2.1

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