#This project is no longer being maintained
#Nightwatch Allure Reporter This is a custom reporter for nightwatch, which uses allure reporting to generate reports.
##Install Steps
npm install nightwatch-allure --save
##Usage Steps
Add following code to globals file in nightwatch
const allureReporter = require('nightwatch-allure');
module.exports = {
reporter: (results,done)=>{
const reporter = new allureReporter.NightwatchAllureReporter({});
That's it, this will create a allure-results folder in your root directory To serve these results use allure reporter cli, for that first you would need to download allure cli then use following command
allure generate ./allure-results --clean && allure open
##CHANGELOG 7/1/2020 -
- Added Report Prefix to Test Name
- Added Report Prefix and Date of report generation as tags to each test
- Adding screenshots if exists in all cases and err messages
30/1/2020 -
- Fixed error in issue #2