R for Big Data Final Project Exploratory Data Analysis of Airbnb Database This lab explains the step-by-step exploratory data analysis of Airbnb Paris listing dataset. The lab starts with dataset processing and treatment. Then, we will present several data analysis graphs for different types of relationships concerning Airbnb Paris listing data.
In order to have this project up and running, you need to install R studio: https://rstudio.com/
- Download R studio from: https://rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/
- Download AirBnb dataset from: https://plmbox.math.cnrs.fr/f/65765b530bbb4ed8b489/?dl=1
Here are the relevant files for this project:
- The Airbnb dataset (Airbnb.Rdata)
- The Rmd workbook, (RFinalProject_ShutimaP.Rmd): R markdown document explaining the different steps of the analysis providing some personal scientific comments on the data based on statistical results
- RFinalProject_ShutimaP.R: the project in R script format to be added to the Shiny app
- RFinalProject_ShutimaP.html: the HTML version of the R markdown file
- app.R: the Shiny application allows to explore the airbnb Paris data
Shutima Potivorakun