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Magic feed/魔法分享



Telegram Group (apk archive)

A tool for you to master your web contents

The majority of the content we enjoy and share on a daily basis, whether it's on the internet or mobile devices, is hosted on the web. This content typically consists of text and media files. I created this app with the intention of allowing users to delve deeper into the HTML structure of web pages and maximize their utility. By exploring the underlying code, we can gain a better understanding of how these web pages are constructed and leverage their potential to the fullest extent.

Quick guide: master your web content in 5 steps

  1. Share/send url from any app or brower to Magic Feed.
  2. Magic Feed will parse title, description, image url and video url from html for you.
  3. Click image in Magic Feed's dialog to view all media files the app has found for you.
  4. Download or share media files by simple selection.
  5. Revisit your feed in app later.

Share a link like a pro

Every day, we exchange numerous links, but raw URLs can often be difficult to comprehend. Typically, we have to provide a descriptive context for the recipients to understand the URL's content without having to click on it.

If you're familiar with HTML, you may already know that elements such as title, description, and cover images are readily accessible.

To empower you in navigating the web, Magic Feed is designed to extract these key details - title, description, and images - from any web link. With just a single tap in the app, you can obtain a well-crafted message to share a link, making it an effortless process to communicate online content effectively.

Save your feed across apps

While each app maintains its own set of bookmarks, wouldn't it be more convenient to consolidate all our saved content in one place for easy access and search?

Magic Feed offers just that. It allows you to store your URLs, creating a personalized feed list. When you need to revisit any saved content, simply return to Magic Feed to find it. This way, all your saved URLs are in one place, streamlining your search and retrieval process.

Grab images from web

  • Image download: If you are interested in some images from a web page, Magic Feed can do batch download and batch forward for you.
  • Reverse Image Search: If you are interested in some particular images from one web, Magic Feed can send it to Google for you to do search image by image.

Download Tweet and Instagram video

  • Magic Feed always takes a deep look into html, you can download videos from a tweet or Instagram url.
  • Many other sites are supported by it's default extraction rule.

Respect content owner's copyright and privacy

✘ You should NOT download or forward any copyrighted image or video from the open internet unless you are allowed by it's owner. ✘ YouTube is NOT supported.

Share a link via QRCode

Don't bother if you want share a link without adding someone to your contacts. Just show the QR Code.

魔法分享 - Web内容分享助手

在我们每天都使用的App和网站中有很多精彩的内容,它们大部分都承载在🌐Web中。很多时候,我们如果只是单单分享一个🔗Web链接,还需要花很长时间向别人说明我们在分享什么内容。于是我制作了这个App,让你能轻松地从Web Link中获取标题、描述和图片,以分享给朋友。


  • 💬 微信链接卡片:如果你是微信的用户,它能帮你生成一个优雅的分享卡片,让你分享的链接能马上抓住别人的眼球;
  • 🖼️ 批量图片分享:如果你喜欢Web中的图片,你可以批量分享给你的朋友,当然你也可以批量下载它们;
  • 🔍 图片逆向搜索:如果你喜欢Web中的一张图片,你还可以以图搜索,做逆向图片查找(由Google提供);
  • ⭐ 智能链接收藏夹:你所分享过的链接会存在你的手机中,你随时可以重新浏览、查找和分享;


  • 优先读取Web页面中的OpenGraph标识以获取标题、介绍和封面图片;
  • 再在页面查找图片;
  • 针对Twitter、Instagram、Deviant、Bilibili这些热门的站点,编写了专门的解析方案,让你能更准确地的获取相关内容;




  • 本应用不提供任何内容,仅为用户提供链接分享、收藏和网页内容感知功能,不对用户操作的内容负责。
  • 所有用户在使用本应用分享网页链接时,应当遵守当地法律法规,不得散布危害社会安定和国家统一的言论。

Privacy Policy


  • This app uses camera to scan QR CODE.
  • 此应用需要使用摄像头来扫描二维码。


  • This app uses internal storage to cache and download images.
  • 此应用使用设备内部存储空间来下载或缓存图片。


  • This app will anonymously report user's usage actions to let developer know how and how many times users are using its function. user's personal information and content will not be recorded.
  • App 会使用Firebase Analytics 匿名记录用户的操作习惯,以帮助开发者更好的了解用户是否使用或者了解App里面的各种功能以及使用频率,但不会上传任何用户的个人信息和用户访问过的内容(链接、图片等)。



