Practice of SQL functions on Dodger's center dataset
I’m currently focused on knowing SQL to fetch, manipulate and create data. In this new learning phase, I currently need to put out my new skills about SQL functions I self-learned. This is my first SQL project and I’m passionate about creating more. In this project, I will share the steps I took in analyzing the data, and lastly, I will be transparent with my report.
This project uses SQL (Structured Query Language) to perform exploratory data analysis on the “Dodgers Sports Facility Center”. This is fictitious (imaginary) client data for a certain company in the US region in Las Vegas. The file is broken down into three tables; “bookings, facilities, and members”
I made use of PostgreSQL as I’m more familiar with this ORDBMS (Oriental-Relational Database Management System). Also, I made use of the SQL functions to query for results.
- Are there duplicated data in the bookings table?
- What are the sports facilities available in the Sports center?
- What is the cost of facilities to both members and guests?
- What are the names of facilities free for members to use?
- What are the facilities that charge a fee to members and that fee is less than 1/50th of the monthly cost of maintenance?
- Who are the members who joined after the start of September 2012?
- What is the signup date of the first member?
- What is the signup date of the last member?
- How many facilities have a guest cost of 10 or more?
- How many slots are booked per facility in the month of September 2012?
- Which facility has more than 1,000 slots booked?
- What are the start times for the bookings of tennis courts for the date 21st of September, 2012?
- What are the start times bookings for the member “David Farrell”?
In finding solutions to my analysis, I made use of the SQL functions and the aggregate functions, including the MIN, MAX, COUNT, AVG, HAVING, etc. The questions answered by this analysis are insightful and can answer the business questions of the organization if needs arrive for driving out Information. This is my first SQL project, and I’m looking forward to getting more of it done. Thanks for going through it.
Interact with the file here