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Sheepolution edited this page Aug 13, 2024 · 5 revisions

Getting started


Clone or download the repository, and place the lobs folder in the same directory as your script. In your script require lobster.lobs:

require "lobster.lobs"

This exposes the lobs global variable, which contains all Lobster functionality. Additionally, it improves the print function to allow for multiple arguments, and adds obs as an alias for obslua.

Lobster is documented using Lua Language Server annotations. Install it for a linter and autocompletion in your editor.

Scenes, sources and items

Using Lobster does not omit the need to understand the basics of OBS and its API. The following is a quick overview of the most important concepts.


You probably already know that a source can be a webcam, microphone, window capture, image, etc. But scenes, filters and transitions are also sources. "Sources are the meat of OBS Studio."


A scene can be seen as a collection of sources that are shown together, but a scene is also a source itself. This means that scenes can be nested, and that scenes can be added to other scenes.


Filters are sources that can be applied to other sources to give them an effect. For example, a Color Correction filter can be applied to a webcam source to make it brighter.


An item represents a source in a scene. It is important to understand the difference between a source and an item. A source on its own does not have position. It is the item that has a position in a scene. There can be multiple distinct items in a scene, each with their own position and more, that all refer to the same source.


Lobster respects the principle of the original API where data should be released as soon as it is no longer needed. All Lobster functions will increment and release the relevant data in the same call. Objects like Source also don't hold a reference. Instead, the objects contain the information to fetch or otherwise create the data it needs.

If nothing refers to the data, it doesn't exist

The code below shows what to avoid.

function lobs.ready(scene)
    local dog_image = lobs.source.newSource("dog", "image_source", { file = "D:/images/dog.png" })

    -- The source, meaning the image in OBS, DOES NOT exist at this point.
    -- dog_image, meaning the object in Lua, DOES exist.

    local filter = lobs.source.newFilter("Brightness", "color_filter", {brightness = 0.5})

    -- We add a filter to the source. Except the source doesn't exist.
    -- We only have information on what the source should be like, but there are no references to it.
    -- There is also no point for the function to make a new source,
    -- because at the end of the function the reference would be released and thus the source destroyed.

    -- In this function we do make the source, as it will be added to the scene.
    -- The source has no filters, because that information was never added.
    local item = scene:addSource(dog_image)

    -- The source has been added to the scene, so now it still exists, as it has a reference.

There are multiple ways to do it right:

If you want a reference to a source, and you know what you are doing, you can use local source_obs, release = source:getOBSSource. The release boolean will tell you whether you should release the source after you're done with it.


By calling lobs.debug() you can enable debug logging. This will print all the calls to lobster and the OBS API, which is very helpful for debugging. Do not use this in combination with lobs.update(), as it can cause OBS to crash.


Properties can be set using lobs.settings.setProperties. All property types except groups are currently supported.

Here is an example. Note that we don't call the function in a callback. This way we set the properties before OBS has requested the data.

require "lobster.lobs"

local target_name
local change_text

function lobs.settings.on_update(properties)
    target_name = properties.source
    change_text = properties.change_text

            type = "text",
            id = "change_text",
            name = "New text",
            text_type = "default",
            default = "I have changed!",
            type = "list",
            id = "source",
            name = "Text source",
            description = "The text source to change",
            list_type = "editable",
            format = "string",
            -- Fill the list with Text GDI+ sources
            source_options = { ["text_gdiplus"] = true }
            type = "button",
            id = "change_text_button",
            name = "Change the text",
            callback = function()
                if not target_name then

                local source = lobs.source.getSourceByName(target_name)

                if source then
                    source:setProperty("text", change_text)

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