You're probably here because another guy wants you to install not one plugin, but two. I know. I promise, this is worth it. Most of this page is dedicated to good things this does for Developers, allowing for faster bugfixes and features.
- Make sure you're running a reasonably up to date fork of Bukkit. I recommend Tuinity if possible, Paper otherwise.
- Grab the latest version of this library from the releases here.
You'll want the jar ending in
. - Drop it into your
folder. - Stop your server if it was running. Start your server.
- You're done!
You're probably here because another guy wants you to use his library, or you want to depend on one of my plugins and you've found that this is a dependency. Here's what it does. If you're just here to install and don't care, installation is all the way at the bottom.
ShatteredCore is a shared-code library that helps ShatteredSuite plugins run better and be developed more quickly. It also includes a few outside libraries so that they only need to be installed once on the server. Some of the functionality that ShatteredCore provides is:
Each of these libraries can be accessed when ShatteredCore is loaded. Some of these are shaded into
- SmartInvs by MinusKube (Shaded)
- NBTApi by tr7zw (Shaded)
- XSeries by CryptoMorin (Shaded)
- Gson by Google (Included)
- Kotlin Standard Library by JetBrains (Included)
ShatteredCore provides the functionality to write commands in a much more straightforward way, and then offloads most of the common error handling onto the library itself. Take for example a normal command to teleport a player:
public class TeleportCommand implements CommandExecutor {
private final JavaPlugin instance;
public TeleportCommand(JavaPlugin instance) {
this.instance = instance;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, String label, String[] args) {
if(!(sender instanceof Player)) {
sender.sendMessage("Console is not allowed to use that command.");
return true;
if(!sender.hasPermission("teleportplugin.tpme")) {
sender.sendMessage("You don't have permission to use that.");
return true;
if(args.length < 1) {
sender.sendMessage("Not enough arguments");
return true;
Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
if(player == null) {
sender.sendMessage("Could not find that player.");
return true;
((Player) sender).teleport(player);
sender.sendMessage("Teleported you to " + player.getDisplayName());
return true;
This can be replaced with the following:
public class PlayerTeleportCommand extends LeafCommand {
public PlayerTeleportCommand(Messageable instance) {
// Set up permission, help message name, and command label.
super(instance, null, "tpme", "teleportplugin.tpme", "command.tpme");
// Make sure this is a player.
this.contextPredicates.put("no-console", new SenderPlayerPredicate());
// Show command help if there aren't enough arguments.
this.contextPredicates.put("args", new ArgumentMinimumPredicate(new CancelResponse(this.helpPath), 1));
// Add an alias (useful in child commands!).
public void execute(CommandContext ctx) {
// Get a player, and send them a (configurable!) message if we can't find them.
Player player = Validators.playerValidator.validPlayer(ctx.args[0]);
((Player) ctx.sender).teleport(player);
// Add arguments to message system.
ctx.contextMessages.put("displayname", player.getDisplayName());
ctx.contextMessages.put("name", player.getName());
// Send message with message system.
ctx.sendMessage("teleported", true);
Twice the features in half the space! This system allows developers to focus on building the functionality of commands, rather than focusing on handling errors and edge cases. Did I mention that we also have utilities that will write TabCompleters as well? This system also supports building complex command paths through a collection of branch commands and leaf commands. Check out our Documentation for more information.
Never get complaints about hardcoded messages again. A rich messaging system combined with fully customizable messages means that nearly every message or string in your plugin can be customized easily. This hooks into the command system as well, allowing common errors to all use the same message, and only require changes in one place!
Messages are split into three different types -- normal messages, error messages, and important messages. Error messages and important messages both include their own sound effects, and all messages support placeholders to be added before sending them.
Tired of writing code to keep sets of data managed? Our Identified and Manager classes are here for you! Identified allows the enforcement of IDs, and Manager will keep track of any Identified items for you. It's super simple!
First, add this to your pom.xml
or build.gradle
Add the following to your pom.xml
Add the following to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.ShatteredSuite:ShatteredCore:Tag'
Next, add a dependency in your plugin.yml
- ShatteredCore
Finally, use any of the features you like!
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Hunter Henrichsen π» π€ π |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!