This is a test application for testing delivering updates on BLE devices via ANCS using live activity or push notifications with collapse id.
- iOS 16.1
- Xcode 14.1
- BLE device (with firmware that print logs in real-time in the console)
Preparing application:
- Clone or download the project
- Change the
on your (for application and for live activity widget) - Add provision profile
- Make sure that the application builds successfully with your new data
Preparing stuff to send push notifications:
- Create a new key by going to
- Press (+) to create a new key, give it a name and select [Apple Push Notifications service (APNs)]
- Press [Register] and download the .p8 file while saving the Auth Key ID somewhere safe
- Convert .p8 key to .pem key using
openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -in AuthKey_XXXXXXXXXX.p8 -out AuthKey_XXXXXXXXXX.pem
- Move *.pem file in folder with *.sh files
- Open and in some editor
- Change
to your Apple Developer Team ID - Change
to the .pem file generated in step 4 - Change
to the Auth Key ID from step 3 - Change
to the bundle ID of your app (MAKE SURE to keep.push-type.liveactivity
at the end in file!)
Preparing BLE device:
- connect BLE peripheral to your PC (for macOS you can use
command, see for more details)
screen /dev/cu.usbserial-A10LTYXX 115200
- make sure that you see logs from your BLE device in the console
- Build and run an application (live activity should start automatically)
- Connect to the BLE device which contain ANCS and prepared on the previous step
- After successfully connecting application should open
Token details
screen - Open the terminal and segue folder with bash files ( and
- Tap on a label with the bash command to update live activity or send a push notification
- Paste in terminal
- Tap enter
- Make sure that you received live activity updates or push notifications on your iOS device
Actual result: I received only push notifications that appeared on the screen the first time, the rest of the updates I didn't receive at all
Expected result: when I send live activity updates or push notifications with collapse id I should receive updates via ANCS
- If the live activity didn't launch automatically -> check in the application settings does it allowed to show, or relaunch the application
- If you didn't receive push notifications -> check do you launch an application in debug configuration, otherwise change in *.sh files
on release.