Repo that represents my first interaction with kafka and streams and adventures to the world of Probabilistic algorithms - in this case measuring cardinality of an open set (streaming data).
- Clone this repository
dep ensure
cd cmd
go build -o excercise
There is a Makefile available with make all
. If you select this approach the binaries will be created in ./.gopath~/bin/
. Not that you need to run dep ensure
prior make all
Run zookeper and kafka:
brew services start zookeeper brew services start kafka
Create a topic:
kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic users
Start console producer:
kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic 'users' < ~/code/data/stream.jsonl
Before running just note that here processor is equivalent to consumer. I am using the slang of the library I am using to provide information.
To run processor that just outputs the messages from kafka topic run
# Using go run go run cmd/* processor-stdout --address localhost:9092 --topic users # Using binary ./.gopath~/bin/stream-cardinality-excercise processor-stdout --address localhost:9092 --topic users
To run processor that can count by frame-per-rate method:
# Using go run go run cmd/* processor-counter --address localhost:9092 --topic users --rate 1s --output-rate 5s --json 1 # Using binary ./.gopath~/bin/stream-cardinality-excercise processor-counter --address localhost:9092 --topic users --rate 1s --output-rate 5s --json 1
To run processor that counts unique users per minute run:
# Using go run
go run cmd/* processor-user --address localhost:9092 --topic users
# Using binary
./.gopath~/bin/stream-cardinality-excercise processor-user --address localhost:9092
More about the CLI. Note that this projects builds in a single CLI. Here is a preview of the options that are available to the caller
➜ .gopath\~/bin/stream-cardinality-excercise
Demonstration of stream cardinality estimation using data that is streamed from kafka.
stream-cardinality-excercise [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
processor-counter Process messages and outputs the frame-per-rate stats
processor-stdout Process messages and outputs them to os.Stdout
processor-user Process messages and count unique users per minute
-a, --address string Kafka address
-h, --help help for stream-cardinality-excercise
-t, --topic string Kafka topic
Use "stream-cardinality-excercise [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Available here