Magento 2 module that extends FishPig WordPress integration module to support Bedrock WordPress boilerplate
Install module with Composer:
composer require loganstellway/module-fishpig-bedrock
Enable Modules:
php bin/magento module:enable FishPig_WordPress LoganStellway_FishPigBedrock
Upgrade / compile Magento:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade && php bin/magento setup:di:compile
- Install Bedrock in a subdirectory as you would with the standard module.
- Follow the Installation Guide for the FishPig Wordpress integration module (you do not need to install another WordPress instance).
- When configuring the module, choose Yes for the Bedrock Installation? option.
- Configure the Bedrock Path option to point to the root of your Bedrock installation.
This module has only been created to suit my needs (basic WordPress installation with no frills) and has not been tested with the other great add-ons offered by FishPig. Please feel free to add issues and contribute to the project.