- We create some basic templates for community fast development.
- We are SeeDAO Dev force, we want accelerate our developing progress.
- So, we build this template repo for all.
- Welcome to contribute some new features for this repo.
- Click Repo Url and see this page.
- Click "Use this template" button and create your own project repo.
- Fly with Your imaginations!
- Install
yarn install(or npm install)
- Run
yarn dev(or npm start)
- See ETHShanghai2022 directory README.md.
- Online Demo(Fleek): https://www.proofofsoul.me/
- It a basic demo to join the ETH Shanghai hackthon.
- Tech stack: Next(build on React) + Wagmi(basic Web3 hooks)
npx create-next-app base-web3
cd base-web3
- view Next demo page
- We will add basic abilities:
"Connect Wallet," display ENS and balance information, sign messages, interact with contracts
. - And more...
- What we called Business is just build on the basic hooks.
- So let's begin!
- more code see
npm install wagmi ethers
- set
- Html
- React
- Web3 combined
- Tailwind CSS
- Hardhat config and task
- basic example function(hardhat task)
- basic NFT mint with NFT.Storage(721,1155)
- basic ERC20 publish
- Total l1 directory:
├── README.md
├── artifacts
├── cache
├── contracts
├── deploy-rinkeby.sh
├── hardhat.config.js
├── node_modules
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── public
├── scripts
├── src
└── test
- Todo
- Maintained in this page: https://www.notion.so/42ba7e39d1004033a031d95f1717932a?v=1ce97ba5a97f451ebfabe0b4509c5bc2