Project 2024 - Product Development
Product Vision: What: Services App
This document outlines the tasks to be undertaken for the project. In teams of three you will carry out these tasks. It is worth 60% of your overall mark for this module.
Each student must interact with Git and Trello for the duration of the project on a weekly basis.
Trello is to be used for managing the project where students will update on what they have achieved that week. Git is to be used for collaborating and sharing the project.
You must link me to your Git and Trello accounts using [email protected] email account.
There are deliverables expected at certain times during the semester, these deliverables must be completed on time and unloaded to Moodle. Details of this will be available on Moodle.
Currently, there isn’t an app dedicated to services in WIT. You have decided to create this app. You are required to document the following:
Step 1: Product Vision – research similar Apps (at least two), document what you thought to be good/bad and the features that you might use in your own design.
- FOR (target customer)
- WHO (statement of the need or opportunity)
- The (PRODUCT NAME) is a (product category)
- THAT (key benefit, compelling reason to buy)
- UNLIKE (primary competitive alternative)
- OUR PRODUCT (statement of primary differentiation)
Step 2: Features, Scenarios and Stories
- Develop a feature list for your product. Document how you derived this list.
- Create personas.
- Create scenarios for your product.
- Create user stories.
- Revisit the feature list and amend based on personas, scenarios, and user stories
- Create a prototype using one of the tools discussed in class
Step 3: UML Modelling
- Create one high level Use Case Diagram to model the overall requirements of the app.
- Create an Activity Diagram to model main activities/functions performed by the app.
- Create a Class Diagram to describe the structure of the system, include classes, attributes operations and relationships.
Step 4: JUnit Tests
Create JUnit tests that checks the functionality of two separate parts of the system.
This is not a huge task, you are running tests to ensure that the outcome of the test is the expected one.
You will demonstrate these tests in one of your practical labs and you will also copy the code to your final documentation in the appendix section.
In your document please ensure you have included a cover page, table of contents, page numbers and headers/footers. Edit your document so there are no obvious spelling/grammar mistakes etc.
Product Vision/Research Completed & Uploaded 8th of February - 5%
Features Completed & Uploaded 22nd of February - 9%
Personas (min 3) Completed & Uploaded 7th of March - 9%
Scenarios (min 3) Completed & Uploaded 14th of March - 9%
User Stories (min 6) Completed & Uploaded 28th of March - 6%
Features Revisited and Revised Completed & Uploaded 28th of March - 5%
Use Case Diagram Put in final documentation - 5%
Activity Diagram Put in final documentation - 5%
Class Diagram Put in final documentation - 8%
Git Participation Weekly basis - 5%
Trello Participation Weekly basis - 5%
JUnit Tests x 2 Week beginning 15th of April - 14% class demo include code in documentation in Appendix section
Prototype Final Documentation - 10%
Quality of Documentation 5%
Final Document Completed 25th of April (uploaded to Moodle)
Total 100%