Releases: SciML/OperatorLearning.jl
Releases · SciML/OperatorLearning.jl
OperatorLearning v0.2.2
Closed issues:
- Similar package at CliMA (#34)
Merged pull requests:
- Update doc links in the README (#25) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Fix logo and add buildkite badge + buildkite CI (#29) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Test on current stable release instead of nightly (#30) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Update for Flux 0.13 (#37) (@mcabbott)
OperatorLearning v0.2.1
OperatorLearning v0.1.1
OperatorLearning v0.1.0
This initial release implements the Fourier Neural Operator in 1D (for now).
Closed issues:
won't work with FFT Plans (#11)- Abysmal memory allocation during the backward pass (#12)
- Proper handling of batches (#13)
- Work with pre-allocated arrays and
when doing FFT (#14)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "FFTW" at version "1" (#1) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Flux" at version "0.12" (#2) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "PkgTemplates" at version "0.7" (#3) (@github-actions[bot])
- restructure package (#4) (@pzimbrod)
- Tests (#5) (@pzimbrod)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Revise" at version "3" (#6) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Tullio" at version "0.3" (#7) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "OMEinsum" at version "0.4" (#8) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "CUDA" at version "3" (#9) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "MAT" at version "0.10" (#10) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for OMEinsum to 0.6, (keep existing compat) (#16) (@github-actions[bot])
- 13 proper handling of batches (#17) (@pzimbrod)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for OMEinsum at version 0.6, (keep existing compat) (#18) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for NNlib at version 0.7, (keep existing compat) (#19) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for NNlib to 0.8, (keep existing compat) (#20) (@github-actions[bot])