Force Field X is an atomic resolution molecular modeling application that targets open research questions in the areas of:
- predicting the structure, thermodynamic stability and solubility of organic polymer crystals,
- predicting the effect of missense mutations on protein structure, thermodynamics and molecular phenotype
- computational design of biomolecules in both soluble and crystalline environments
Please see the Force Field X website for more details.
To clone the Force Field X source using GIT:
git clone [email protected]:SchniedersLab/forcefieldx.git forcefieldx
In the future, your clone of Force Field X can be updated to the latest version using the command:
git pull origin master
A Maven project file (pom.xml) is provided to build Force Field X on any platform. After cloing the Force Field X git repository, change directoies into the base project directory. Then execute:
This requires Maven v. 3.8 or later to be installed with its bin directory included in your $PATH environment variable. The first time this command is executed, Maven will download build dependencies and Force Field X runtime dependecies. Future executions are quicker. Force Field X will self-test its modules and report failures. Only code that passes all testing should be pushed to the GitHub repository, so if any test fails it may be due to a local configuration issue. To execute the tests:
mvn -DskipTests=false
Additional tests, ordinarily skipped due to length of running them (~15 minutes on a single core of a 2013 CPU) can be accessed via the property, as such:
mvn -DskipTests=false
Currently, JDK 21 is supported. After installing a supported JDK, point the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the JDK directory, and then add the JDK bin directory to your path.
Once the Maven build succeeds, Force Field X can be executed using platform dependent start-up scripts located in the bin. On Mac OS X or Linux:
bin/ffxc Energy examples/
On Windows:
bin/ffxc.bat Energy examples/
The ffx/bin directory should be appended to your $PATH environment variable. The "Energy" command refers to an internal version of the Energy.groovy script that can be found in the ffx/scripts directory. To embed your own script within FFX, place it into the scripts directory and rebuild FFX.