Add links to your code in Alphabetical Order.
-[Program name](name of the file)
-Check for balanced paranthesis expression
-Find the middle element of linked list
-Implement Euclidean Algorithm to find greatest common divisor of 2 given numbers.
-Implement 0/1 Knapsack using Dynamic Programming
-Kadane's Algorithm For Getting Maximum Sub Array easy implementation using c
-Longest Length Path in Matrix
-Maximum digit using given numbers
-Maze Problem using Backtracking
-Minimum number of denominations (Indian Currency) using Greedy algo approach
-Permutations and Combinations
-Prime Factors using seive of eratosthenes
-[Quick Sort on Doubly Linked List](quick sort in doubly linked list.c)
-Remove Nth node of Linked List
-Rotate Array Clockwise by k elements
-Rotate Linked List in Group of K
-Search in Row And Column Wise Sorted Matrix
-Search Repeating elements using Map/Hashmap
-[Ternary Search](Ternary Search in C.c)
-Two Pointer algorithm to find sum pairs
-[Shortest Job First Scheduling Algorithm](Shortest Job First Scheduling Algorithm (SJF - Non-Preemptive).C)
-[Priority based Scheduling](Priority based Scheduling (Non - Preemptive).C)