Get your bot's details and control it without having to access the panel! (hosted on VertexNodes)
- Visit the panel here.
- Click on the user icon in the top-right.
- Click on the "API Credentials" tab.
- Enter a name for the key and click "Create Key".
- Visit the panel here.
- Click on your server's name.
- Navigate to the "Settings Tab".
- You will see your server ID under "DEBUG INFORMATION" tab.
Installation is done using the npm install
$ npm install vertexnodes-js
Get usage of the server.
Parameters: ServerID
const VertexNodes = require("vertexnodes-js");
const host = new VertexNodes("API KEY");
host.getServerUsage("server ID").then(usage => {
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
Returns a JSON object like this:
memory_bytes: 22933504,
cpu_absolute: 0,
disk_bytes: 8456083,
network_rx_bytes: 1762592,
network_tx_bytes: 46024
Get details of the server.
Parameters: ServerID
const VertexNodes = require("vertexnodes-js");
const host = new VertexNodes("API KEY");
host.getServerDetails("server ID").then(details => {
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
Returns a JSON object like this:
server_owner: true,
identifier: '05314470',
internal_id: 2088,
uuid: '05314470-0bee-4ab8-83c4-15d9f4d077d0',
name: 'Server',
node: 'Free Node - 4',
sftp_details: { ip: '', port: 1234 },
description: '',
limits: {
memory: 150,
swap: 0,
disk: 512,
io: 500,
cpu: 17,
threads: null,
oom_disabled: true
invocation: 'if [[ ! -z ${GIT_URL} ]] && [[ -d .git ]]; then git pull ${GIT_URL}; elif [[ ! -z ${GIT_URL} ]] && [[ ! -d .git ]]; then git init && git pull ${GIT_URL}; fi; if [ -f /home/container/package.json ]; then /usr/local/bin/npm install --production; fi;/usr/local/bin/node /home/container/index.js',
docker_image: '',
egg_features: null,
feature_limits: { databases: 0, allocations: 0, backups: 0 },
status: null,
is_suspended: false,
is_installing: false,
is_transferring: false,
relationships: {
allocations: { object: 'list', data: [Array] },
variables: { object: 'list', data: [Array] }
Set the Powerstate of the server. State can be start
, stop
, kill
or restart
Parameters: ServerID, Powerstate
const VertexNodes = require("vertexnodes-js");
const host = new VertexNodes("API KEY");
host.setPowerState("server ID", "start").then(() => {
console.log("Successfully set powerstate to start");
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
Returns a true boolean expression if changing powerstate was successful.
Get the Powerstate of the server.
Parameters: ServerID
const VertexNodes = require("vertexnodes-js");
const host = new VertexNodes("API KEY");
host.getPowerState("server ID").then(state => {
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
Returns the state of the server.
Sends a command to the server. The server must be online to send a command to it.
Parameters: ServerID, Command
const VertexNodes = require("vertexnodes-js");
const host = new VertexNodes("API KEY");
host.sendCommand("server ID", "say hello").then(() => {
console.log("Sucesfully send the command");
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
Returns a true boolean expression if sending the command was successful.