This is complete rewrite of kitsrus_pic_programmer into Python 3 + bunch of fixes and features.
- K128
- K149 version A to F
- K150 (Tested)
- K182
Note: The programmer must have the latest firmware version, which utilizes the P18A protocol. Firmware versions using older protocols (P018, P016, P014, or earlier) are not supported.
pip install picpro
You can also use these repositories maintained by me
Add repository by running these commands
wget -O- | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/salamek-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/salamek-archive-keyring.gpg] all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
And then you can install a package picpro
apt update && apt install picpro
Add repository by adding this at end of file /etc/pacman.conf
Server =
SigLevel = Optional
and then install by running
pacman -Sy picpro
Command details:
program Program PIC chip.
verify Verify PIC flash.
dump Dump PIC data as binary.
erase Erase PIC.
chipinfo Prints chipinfo as JSON in terminal.
hexinfo Prints information about hexfile.
picpro program -p PORT -i HEX_FILE -t PIC_TYPE [--id=PIC_ID] [--fuse=FUSE_NAME:FUSE_VALUE...] [--icsp]
picpro verify -p PORT -i HEX_FILE -t PIC_TYPE [--icsp]
picpro erase -p PORT -t PIC_TYPE [--icsp]
picpro dump <mem_type> -p PORT -o HEX_FILE -t PIC_TYPE [--icsp] [--binary]
picpro chipinfo [<PIC_TYPE>]
picpro hexinfo <HEX_FILE> <PIC_TYPE>
picpro (-h | --help)
--icsp Enable ISCP programming.
--fuse=FUSE_NAME:FUSE_VALUE Set fuse value directly.
--id=PIC_ID Set PIC id to be programmed in pic.
-p PORT --port=PORT Set serial port where programmer is connected.
-t PIC_TYPE --pic_type=PIC_TYPE Pic type you are programming/reading.
-i HEX_FILE --hex_file=HEX_FILE Hex file to flash or to read.
-o HEX_FILE --hex_file=HEX_FILE Hex file to write.
--binary Input/Output file is in binary.
picpro program -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -i YOUR_HEX_FILE.hex -t 12F675
picpro verify -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -i YOUR_HEX_FILE.hex -t 12F675
picpro dump rom -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -o rom.hex -t 12F675
picpro dump eeprom -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -o eeprom.hex -t 12F675
picpro dump config -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -o config.hex -t 12F675
picpro program -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -i YOUR_HEX_FILE.hex -t 12F675 --icsp
picpro program -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -i YOUR_HEX_FILE.hex -t 12F675 --fuse=FUSE_NAME:FUSE_VALUE --fuse=FUSE_NAME:FUSE_VALUE
To allow the user to access the serial ports (for some distros), run the following command:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER