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AsyncFox committed Dec 14, 2023
1 parent 80e24bd commit 3d52737
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Showing 4 changed files with 44 additions and 6 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions public/cosmo-logo.svg
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Binary file added public/saa-logo.png
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14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/App.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
<div class="h-[100svh] overflow-scroll scroll relative">
<div class="h-[100svh] bg-black flex flex-col">
<SMS class="w-1/2" />
<span class="text-white">
<div class="flex-grow" />
<div class="h-[100svh] w-screen bg-white flex flex-col justify-center items-center space-y-6">
<Cover />
<div class="absolute bottom-12 flex space-x-4 justify-center items-center">
<SMS class="w-auto h-6" />
<img src="/cosmo-logo.svg" alt="COSMO Slogan" class="w-auto h-6">
<img src="/saa-logo.png" alt="SAA Logo" class="w-auto h-12">
<div class="top-[calc(100svh+40px)] w-screen absolute flex flex-col">
<Circle v-motion-pop-visible class="scale-200 mt-[5%] ml-auto" />
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import Logo from './components/Shapes/Logo.vue';
import SMS from './components/Shapes/SMS.vue';
import Triangle from './components/Shapes/Triangle.vue';
import Circle from './components/Shapes/Circle.vue';
import Cover from './components/Shapes/Cover.vue';
import FormItem from './components/FormItem.vue';
import Ticket from './components/Ticket.vue';
import type { TForm, TFormFields } from './types';
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/components/Shapes/Cover.vue
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<svg width="200" height="162" viewBox="0 0 200 162" fill="none" xmlns="">
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9C23.3667 9.06666 23.3833 9.11666 23.35 9.15C21.05 13.85 18.2833 18.2833 15.05 22.45C11.85 26.6167 8.21667 30.4667 4.15 34C4.11667 34.0667 4.06667 34.0667 4 34L0.2 29.7C0.166667 29.6667 0.183333 29.6 0.25 29.5C4.08333 26.1667 7.46667 22.6167 10.4 18.85C13.3333 15.05 15.8833 10.95 18.05 6.55C18.1167 6.48333 18.1667 6.46666 18.2 6.5L23.3 9ZM75.7 7.5C75.7667 7.5 75.8 7.53333 75.8 7.6V11.65H97.8C97.8333 11.65 97.85 11.6667 97.85 11.7C97.8833 11.7 97.9 11.7167 97.9 11.75V22.5C97.9 22.5667 97.8667 22.6 97.8 22.6H92C91.9333 22.6 91.9 22.5667 91.9 22.5V17.35H69.9C69.8667 17.35 69.8333 17.35 69.8 17.35C69.8 17.3167 69.8 17.2833 69.8 17.25V7.6C69.8 7.53333 69.8333 7.5 69.9 7.5H75.7ZM85.4 21.35C85.4667 21.35 85.5 21.3833 85.5 21.45V52.9C85.5 52.9333 85.4833 52.95 85.45 52.95C85.45 52.9833 85.4333 53 85.4 53H74.75C74.6833 53 74.65 52.9667 74.65 52.9V47.1C74.65 47.0333 74.6833 47 74.75 47H79.5V21.45C79.5 21.3833 79.5333 21.35 79.6 21.35H85.4ZM73.8 26.05C73.8667 26.05 73.9 26.0833 73.9 26.15C73.7667 30.2833 73.5167 34.1833 73.15 37.85C72.7833 41.4833 72.2833 44.8333 71.65 47.9C71.6167 48 71.5667 48.05 71.5 48.05L66 46.85C65.9333 46.85 65.9 46.8167 65.9 46.75C67.1 41.35 67.8333 34.4333 68.1 26C68.1 25.9 68.1333 25.85 68.2 25.85L73.8 26.05ZM96.5 25.9C96.5667 25.9 96.6 25.9333 96.6 26C96.7 30 96.9167 33.7167 97.25 37.15C97.6167 40.55 98.1167 43.7333 98.75 46.7C98.8167 46.8 98.8 46.85 98.7 46.85L93.2 48.05C93.1333 48.05 93.1 48.0167 93.1 47.95C91.7667 41.65 91 34.3833 90.8 26.15C90.8 26.05 90.8333 26 90.9 26L96.5 25.9ZM62.4 25.1C62.4667 25.1 62.5 25.1333 62.5 25.2V53.45C62.5 53.5167 62.4667 53.55 62.4 53.55H56.6C56.5333 53.55 56.5 53.5167 56.5 53.45V25.2C56.5 25.1333 56.5333 25.1 56.6 25.1H62.4ZM65.55 8.7C65.5833 8.73333 65.6 8.76667 65.6 8.8C65.6333 8.8 65.6333 8.81666 65.6 8.85C62.6 18.75 58.85 28.1167 54.35 36.95C54.3167 36.9833 54.3 37 54.3 37C54.3 37 54.2833 36.9833 54.25 36.95L50.1 31.25C50.0667 31.2167 50.05 31.1833 50.05 31.15C50.05 31.1167 50.0667 31.0833 50.1 31.05C52.0333 27.35 53.8 23.5333 55.4 19.6C57 15.6667 58.4667 11.5333 59.8 7.2C59.8333 7.16666 59.85 7.15 59.85 7.15C59.8833 7.11667 59.9167 7.11667 59.95 7.15L65.55 8.7ZM128 6.85C128.067 6.85 128.1 6.88333 128.1 6.95V13.55C128.1 13.6167 128.067 13.65 128 13.65H122C121.933 13.65 121.9 13.6167 121.9 13.55V6.95C121.9 6.88333 121.933 6.85 122 6.85H128ZM145.7 10.75C145.733 10.75 145.75 10.7667 145.75 10.8C145.783 10.8 145.8 10.8167 145.8 10.85V20.6C145.8 20.6667 145.767 20.7 145.7 20.7H140C139.933 20.7 139.9 20.6667 139.9 20.6V16.55H110.1V20.6C110.1 20.6667 110.067 20.7 110 20.7H104.3C104.233 20.7 104.2 20.6667 104.2 20.6V10.85C104.2 10.8167 104.2 10.8 104.2 10.8C104.233 10.7667 104.267 10.75 104.3 10.75H145.7ZM146.55 21.9C146.617 21.9 146.65 21.9333 146.65 22V27.6C146.65 27.6667 146.617 27.7 146.55 27.7H103.45C103.383 27.7 103.35 27.6667 103.35 27.6V22C103.35 21.9333 103.383 21.9 103.45 21.9H146.55ZM129.55 24.8C129.617 24.8 129.65 24.8333 129.65 24.9V49.65C129.65 49.7167 129.617 49.75 129.55 49.75H123.75C123.683 49.75 123.65 49.7167 123.65 49.65V24.9C123.65 24.8333 123.683 24.8 123.75 24.8H129.55ZM115.3 32.15C115.333 32.1833 115.367 32.2333 115.4 32.3C114.367 36.1667 113.017 39.9 111.35 43.5C109.717 47.1 107.8 50.4667 105.6 53.6C105.533 53.6667 105.483 53.6833 105.45 53.65L100.75 50.45C100.683 50.3833 100.667 50.3333 100.7 50.3C104.7 44.6333 107.683 38.1333 109.65 30.8C109.717 30.7333 109.767 30.7167 109.8 30.75L115.3 32.15ZM112.05 38.25C112.083 38.2167 112.133 38.2333 112.2 38.3C113.567 40.6333 114.933 42.4 116.3 43.6C117.667 44.8 119.167 45.6333 120.8 46.1C122.467 46.5333 124.533 46.75 127 46.75H148.05C148.117 46.75 148.15 46.7833 148.15 46.85V52.45C148.15 52.5167 148.117 52.55 148.05 52.55H127C124.067 52.55 121.45 52.2167 119.15 51.55C116.85 50.8833 114.717 49.7167 112.75 48.05C110.783 46.4167 108.933 44.1333 107.2 41.2C107.167 41.1667 107.183 41.1167 107.25 41.05L112.05 38.25ZM144.75 33.65C144.817 33.65 144.85 33.6833 144.85 33.75V39.35C144.85 39.4167 144.817 39.45 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