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Refactoring for Meaning
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SCullman committed Jul 11, 2020
1 parent 6d75864 commit 2982640
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Showing 4 changed files with 239 additions and 6 deletions.
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,9 +25,21 @@ page 50103 "Contact Api"
EntityName = 'contactRelation';
EntitySetName = 'contactRelations';
SubPageLink = "Contact No." = FIELD("No.");
part(relationsToOthers; 50106)
EntityName = 'contactRelationTo';
EntitySetName = 'contactRelationsTo';
SubPageLink = "Contact No." = FIELD("No.");
part(relationsFromOthers; 50107)
EntityName = 'contactRelationFrom';
EntitySetName = 'contactRelationsFrom';
SubPageLink = "Relation to Contact No." = FIELD("No.");

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
page 50106 "Contact Relation To"

PageType = API;
APIGroup = 'queries';
APIPublisher = 'publisher';
APIVersion = 'v1.0';
EntityName = 'contactRelationTo';
EntitySetName = 'contactRelationsTo';
ODataKeyFields = "No.";
SourceTable = "Contact Relation";
Editable = false;
InsertAllowed = false;
ModifyAllowed = false;
DeleteAllowed = false;
DelayedInsert = true;
Extensible = false;

field(number; "No.") { }
field(description; "Description") { }
field(relationToContactNo; "Relation to Contact No.") { }
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
page 50107 "Contact Relation From"

APIGroup = 'queries';
APIPublisher = 'publisher';
APIVersion = 'v1.0';
EntityName = 'contactRelationFrom';
EntitySetName = 'contactRelationsFrom';
ODataKeyFields = "No.";
PageType = API;
SourceTable = "Contact Relation";
Editable = false;
InsertAllowed = false;
ModifyAllowed = false;
DeleteAllowed = false;
DelayedInsert = true;
Extensible = false;

field(number; "No.") { }
field(description; "Description") { }
field(contactNo; "Contact No.") { }
169 changes: 164 additions & 5 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -493,6 +493,7 @@ Therefore I add the following part to ContactRelationApi:
EntityName = 'contactRelation';
EntitySetName = 'contactRelations';
SubPageLink = "Contact No." = FIELD("No.");

Expand All @@ -503,14 +504,172 @@ Now the navigation properties for contact look like this:
The name of the part relations is ignored. Instead, we have to declare EntityName and EntitySchema **again**. And it has to be the very same values as defined before on page 50102.

So far I have not found a way to get and use multiple navigation properties of the same type in one entity. And I dislike the idea that EntityName is used as the name of the navigation. Naming is serious, and should not be overridden by simple conventions like a sequence of fields.

### Refactoring for Meaning

Maybe I was doing it wrong?

I wanna do queries. And I want them being meaningful. And maybe it is just wrong to look for multiple navigation properties.

Let us look at the Contact Relations again:

The fields `Contact No.` and `Relation to Contact No.` represents a relation _from_ a contact _to_ a different contact.
On a query, I wanna either know all relations from a contact to all relations pointing to that contact.

I should add new API pages for them that express these relations:

page 50106 "Contact Relation To"
PageType = API;
APIGroup = 'queries';
APIPublisher = 'publisher';
APIVersion = 'v1.0';
EntityName = 'contactRelationTo';
EntitySetName = 'contactRelationsTo';
ODataKeyFields = "No.";
SourceTable = "Contact Relation";
DelayedInsert = true;
field(number; "No.") { }
field(description; "Description") { }
field(relationToContactNo; "Relation to Contact No.") { }
page 50107 "Contact Relation From"
APIGroup = 'queries';
APIPublisher = 'publisher';
APIVersion = 'v1.0';
EntityName = 'contactRelationFrom';
EntitySetName = 'contactRelationsFrom';
ODataKeyFields = "No.";
PageType = API;
SourceTable = "Contact Relation";
DelayedInsert = true;
field(number; "No.") { }
field(description; "Description") { }
field(contactNo; "Contact No.") { }
And we use these within the Contact API:
part(relationsToOthers; 50106)
EntityName = 'contactRelationTo';
EntitySetName = 'contactRelationsTo';
SubPageLink = "Contact No." = FIELD("No.");
part(relationsFromOthers; 50107)
EntityName = 'contactRelationFrom';
EntitySetName = 'contactRelationsFrom';
SubPageLink = "Relation to Contact No." = FIELD("No.");
This results in following $metadata for contacts:
<EntityType Name="contact">
<PropertyRef Name="number" />
<Property Name="number" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false" MaxLength="20" />
<Property Name="firstName" Type="Edm.String" MaxLength="30" />
<Property Name="surname" Type="Edm.String" MaxLength="30" />
<Property Name="name" Type="Edm.String" MaxLength="100" />
<Property Name="companyNo" Type="Edm.String" MaxLength="20" />
<NavigationProperty Name="contactRelations" Type="Collection(Microsoft.NAV.contactRelation)" ContainsTarget="true" />
<NavigationProperty Name="contactRelationsTo" Type="Collection(Microsoft.NAV.contactRelationTo)" ContainsTarget="true" />
<NavigationProperty Name="contactRelationsFrom" Type="Collection(Microsoft.NAV.contactRelationFrom)" ContainsTarget="true" />
<NavigationProperty Name="contact" Type="" ContainsTarget="true" />
Much better. I still wish I could provide a better name for the navigation over `Company No.` than _contact_. However, now the relations look much better and more meaningful.

Here an example for a query and its result:
`...contacts('KT200038')?$expand=contactRelationsTo($expand=contact), contactRelationsFrom($expand=contact)`
"@odata.context": "http://bc160:7048/BC/api/publisher/queries/v1.0/$metadata#companies(6febec3e-388d-ea11-bb38-001dd8b76686)/contacts/$entity",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O1l0U2hET1B6VGplQU9leGZMRExsTkVBaExqS3VZaVMyc0xkSVZsS0NXZU09MTswMDsn\"",
"number": "KT200038",
"firstName": "Karen",
"surname": "Berg",
"name": "Karen Berg",
"companyNo": "KT100016",
"contactRelationsTo": [
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O0lDTXBBd2M5SDVYMmhsOHZ3SHUya3hsamwraWkxbDBtZXBCbzVETWxHV1k9MTswMDsn\"",
"number": "R02",
"description": "reports to",
"relationToContactNo": "KT200022",
"contact": {
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O0x1VDVMVVF6ZG9LOEdqc3JxY29RU0dVMlNGcGVGb0RhaldMcGFxR09qZm89MTswMDsn\"",
"number": "KT200022",
"firstName": "Lone",
"surname": "Kuhlmann",
"name": "Lone Kuhlmann",
"companyNo": "KT100016"
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0OytKK0VOY3psZnF4V21nMlpXWEE2YWhkbzh4U0hWK0IrV0FCd0tpdnE1R2c9MTswMDsn\"",
"number": "R03",
"description": "is partner of",
"relationToContactNo": "KT200025",
"contact": {
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O3hxL3FLRU50KzV6Wm1sYSt1cGNLSTJSWGwzNE80SVFyajhGLzRMM285aE09MTswMDsn\"",
"number": "KT200025",
"firstName": "Ole",
"surname": "Gotfred",
"name": "Ole Gotfred",
"companyNo": "KT100016"
"contactRelationsFrom": [
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O1dadFFBblBUUmZPZkhuRXZRVmtLUXMvc2lENk9sSU5La0pyQWpTQTlBZms9MTswMDsn\"",
"number": "R01",
"description": "reports to",
"contactNo": "KT200058",
"contact": {
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O3k1YW9QUmJXWnhBRHpsV0ROVGQ4dHluODkweHF6UGlYLy9KeDlubU0rUkk9MTswMDsn\"",
"number": "KT200058",
"firstName": "Jan",
"surname": "Christiansen",
"name": "Jan Christiansen",
"companyNo": "KT100016"

### Conclusion for Custom API
The direction Microsoft and Business Central are taking with the Custom API is the right one.
I appreciate the clean separation of APIs from other APIs or even the UI. They can develop without dependencies.

Also, a simple association no longer results in a collection. I also like that both required AL code and resulting $metadata are now denser.

So far I have not found a way to get and use multiple navigation properties of the same type in one entity. And I dislike the idea that EntityName is used as the name of the navigation. Naming is serious, and should not be overridden by simple conventions like a sequence of fields.

I don't think I'll get used to the Custom API that quickly, at least when I want to use custom APIs for querying data.

I hope I'm wrong and overlook something obvious.
You have to think differently about your queries and it is best to design them explicitly.

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