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SCullman committed Jul 10, 2020
1 parent e5b5546 commit 092062a
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Showing 4 changed files with 316 additions and 3 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
pageextension 50105 "ContectRelationExtension" extends "Contact Card"

Caption = 'Contact Relations';
part("Contact Relations"; "Contact Relation Listpart")
SubPageLink = "Contact No." = FIELD("No.");
Visible = false;

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
pageextension 50106 "ContactRelationListExtension" extends "Contact List"
part("Relations"; "Contact Relation Listpart")
SubPageLink = "Contact No." = FIELD("No.");
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
page 50104 "Contact Relation Listpart"

Caption = 'Contact Relations';
PageType = ListPart;
SourceTable = "Contact Relation";

field("No."; "No.")
ApplicationArea = All;
field("Contact No."; "Contact No.")
ApplicationArea = All;
field("Contact Name"; "Contact Name")
ApplicationArea = All;
field("Description"; Description)
ApplicationArea = All;
field("Relation to Contact No."; "Relation to Contact No.")
ApplicationArea = All;
field("Relation to Contact Name"; "Relation to Contact Name")
ApplicationArea = All;
242 changes: 239 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,13 +124,15 @@ It also contains now our definition of Contact Relations:

The name of the entity type is defined by the name of the service and not py the name of page or table. Fields are renamed to its Pascal case representation.
The name of the entity type is defined by the name of the service and not by the name of page or table. Fields are renamed to its Pascal case representation.

### Associations

OData also allows to include related resources within one single request using the query option `$expand`. In case of contact relations, it would be nice to include the contacts for Contact_No and Relation_to_Contact_No.

Both fields are defined as `Table Relation`s to the contact table. That contact table, which is part of Busines Central, has a property `LookupPageID` which is set to `"Contact List"` (ID 5052).
> Associations: When a field on a page has a TableRelation property, the specified table has a LookupPageId property that points to a different page. When you publish a page containing such a field as a web service, you must also publish the page that is pointed to by LookupPageId property. You can then link from the first page to the second page in a single URI.
Both fields are defined as `Table Relation`s to the contact table. That contact table, which is part of Busines Central, has a property `LookupPageID` which is set to `Page5052.Contact List`.

This page needs to be published as webservice with the service name `Contact`. Afterwards the metadata has changed. It doesn't not only contains the entity type Contact, but it also adds navigation properties to the entit type ContactRelation:

Expand All @@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ These association have the name of the field with the table relation folloewd by

`...ContactRelation('R01')?$expand=Relation_to_Contact_No_Link, Contact_No_Link` will return for our example data:

``` js
"@odata.context": "{{serviceurl}}/$metadata#Company('{{company}}')/ContactRelation/$entity",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O29SbGVDYm93dW5lbDBVVjlFcUdDV0EyVHF2V2R3Z3RUWml2NHVSZTZYcUU9MTswMDsn\"",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,3 +177,237 @@ These association have the name of the field with the table relation folloewd by

### Containments
On the other hand, when I query a contact, I also want to include its ContactRelations.

>Containments: Some pages in Business Central contain subpages. When you publish such a page, the subpages are automatically available in the web service as containments.
A subpage is for example just a page of type ListPart. Beside that, the main difference to a page of type List is that it cannot be called seperatly. Therefore a setting `UsageCategory` makes no sense here.

page 50104 "Contact Relation Listpart"
Caption = 'Contact Relations';
PageType = ListPart;
SourceTable = "Contact Relation";
field("No."; "No.")
ApplicationArea = All;
field("Contact No."; "Contact No.")
ApplicationArea = All;
field("Description"; Description)
ApplicationArea = All;
field("Contact Name"; "Contact Name")
ApplicationArea = All;

This list part has now to be added to a page, for example `page5050.Contact Card` via a page extension.

pageextension 50105 "ContectRelationExtension" extends "Contact Card"
Caption = 'Contact Relations';
part("Contact Relations"; "Contact Relation Listpart")
SubPageLink = "Contact No." = FIELD("No.");
Visible = false;

After publishing `page5050.Contact Card` as web service ContactCard, it is possible to include the contactrelation of a contact:

`...ContactCard('KT200038')?$expand=ContactCardContact_Relations` returns

"@odata.context": "http://bc160:7048/BC/ODataV4/$metadata#Company('Cronus%20AG')/ContactCard/$entity",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O1FTc0xuRWpQcUMrU0t0VFJRWFFwZzJiNnBacEU3U3Jvd2dCRGVKam5pLzQ9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "KT200038",
"Name": "Karen Berg",
// ...a lot more fields ...
"ContactCardContact_Relations": [
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O0YvQnArR0ppdlR2MU0vNzNJWk9HV3pqeEdxSndxMnpOc0ZBc2orS3BpNGc9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "R02",
"Contact_No": "KT200038",
"Contact_Name": "Karen Berg",
"Description": "reports to",
"Relation_to_Contact_No": "KT200022",
"Relation_to_Contact_Name": "Lone Kuhlmann"
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0OzJHc0poang3ZGpIMkRmZGxubzVMOFlQM2ZXa1hmNzhDRHRZMjF4ZDJST2c9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "R03",
"Contact_No": "KT200038",
"Contact_Name": "Karen Berg",
"Description": "is partner of",
"Relation_to_Contact_No": "KT200025",
"Relation_to_Contact_Name": "Ole Gotfred"

You can also use the asscociation within the containment, e.g. `ContactCard('KT200038')?$expand=ContactCardContact_Relations($expand=Relation_to_Contact_No_Link)` returns

"@odata.context": "http://bc160:7048/BC/ODataV4/$metadata#Company('Cronus%20AG')/ContactCard/$entity",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O1FTc0xuRWpQcUMrU0t0VFJRWFFwZzJiNnBacEU3U3Jvd2dCRGVKam5pLzQ9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "KT200038",
"Name": "Karen Berg",
"ContactCardContact_Relations": [
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O0YvQnArR0ppdlR2MU0vNzNJWk9HV3pqeEdxSndxMnpOc0ZBc2orS3BpNGc9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "R02",
// ...
"Description": "reports to",
"Relation_to_Contact_No_Link": [
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O0c0VXhSbWNFTEhPU05WVWpNbVVEV0VITzFaaUxydXJMT3ZWdkJWWitYY1E9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "KT200022",
"Name": "Lone Kuhlmann",
"Company_Name": "DanMøbler",
// ....
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0OzJHc0poang3ZGpIMkRmZGxubzVMOFlQM2ZXa1hmNzhDRHRZMjF4ZDJST2c9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "R03",
// ...
"Description": "is partner of",
"Relation_to_Contact_No_Link": [
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O2F6eHFDSzhnRndrMVlMNHRUMy9mejYxZ0M5UElLQjM1REtHeHRETVVDakk9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "KT200025",
"Name": "Ole Gotfred",
"Company_Name": "DanMøbler",
"Post_Code": "2100",
// ....

Can we go one step deeper into the rabbit hole? Unfortunately not, because of the entity types:
* `ContactCard` offers containment for `ContactRelation`
* `ContactRelation` has an association to `Contact` (List)

Poor Karen, it is still not possible to detect that Ole cheats here with Lone in a single request.

Can we add the containment for `ContactRelation` to ``Contact` instead of `ContactCard`?
Lets give it a try:
pageextension 50106 "ContactRelationListExtension" extends "Contact List"
part("Relations"; "Contact Relation Listpart")
SubPageLink = "Contact No." = FIELD("No.");
Hoorray, this adds the following navigaton property:
<NavigationProperty Name="ContactRelations" Type="Collection(NAV.ContactRelations)" ContainsTarget="true" />
The name of the property combines the name of the service and the name of the part.

The group `ContactRelGroup` prevents that the ContactRelation appears as list within UI as part of te contact list.

Lets give it a try `...Contact('KT200038')?$expand=ContactRelations($expand=Relation_to_Contact_No_Link($expand=ContactRelations))`:
"@odata.context": "http://bc160:7048/BC/ODataV4/$metadata#Company('Cronus%20AG')/Contact/$entity",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O3gwV05ZaVMyVElhTFgzZjVwWVVUdXhNUm92TWt4QWZqR2twQURVYTBIOHc9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "KT200038",
"Name": "Karen Berg",
"Company_Name": "DanMøbler",
"ContactRelations": [
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O0YvQnArR0ppdlR2MU0vNzNJWk9HV3pqeEdxSndxMnpOc0ZBc2orS3BpNGc9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "R02",
"Contact_No": "KT200038",
"Description": "reports to",
"Relation_to_Contact_No_Link": [
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O0c0VXhSbWNFTEhPU05WVWpNbVVEV0VITzFaaUxydXJMT3ZWdkJWWitYY1E9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "KT200022",
"Name": "Lone Kuhlmann",
// ..
"ContactRelations": []
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0OzJHc0poang3ZGpIMkRmZGxubzVMOFlQM2ZXa1hmNzhDRHRZMjF4ZDJST2c9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "R03",
"Contact_No": "KT200038",
"Contact_Name": "Karen Berg",
"Description": "is partner of",
"Relation_to_Contact_No_Link": [
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O2F6eHFDSzhnRndrMVlMNHRUMy9mejYxZ0M5UElLQjM1REtHeHRETVVDakk9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "KT200025",
"Name": "Ole Gotfred",
// ..
"ContactRelations": [
"@odata.etag": "W/\"JzQ0O2Q0RmZiNXp1M0dDaWdFQnhRUnA2NkFLQXJ0K1kwdjJZUTc0WUZXUzc5cFE9MTswMDsn\"",
"No": "R04",
"Description": "cheats with",
"Relation_to_Contact_No": "KT200022",
"Relation_to_Contact_Name": "Lone Kuhlmann"

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