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SBNCode Introduction 9 9

Fernanda Psihas edited this page May 4, 2020 · 1 revision

h1. SBNCode Introduction 9/9

h3. Setup

First, we are going to get the sbncode mrb product and build it:

# setup scripts for the three experiments
source /cvmfs/
source /cvmfs/
source /cvmfs/
# setup your environment
source localProducts_larsoft_v08_30_01_e17_prof/setup 

Next, we are going to build the sbnanalysis/ area. This area contains the sbnanalysis framework, which allows for writing SBN selections, with art root files as input and a standard ROOT file as output:

# first navigate to the correct directory
cd srcs/sbncode/sbnanalysis/
# setup the sbnanalysis build area
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# make everything
# NOTE: if you have any dependencies of sbncode in your local mrb area,
# you will have to run “mrbslp” before running this command
make install

# setup the sbnanlysis environment -- required to do before running the “sbn” command
source bin/

Now we are going to take a look at an example selection -- see the directory sbnalaysis/ana/ExampleAnalysis/. This directory contains code for an selection: ExampleSelection.cxx.

To run this module over a prepared MC file, run (from the ExampleAnalysis/ directory):

sbn -m ExampleAnalysis_ExampleSelection -c ExampleConfig.fcl /sbnd/app/users/gputnam/sbndcode/srcs/icaruscode/fcl/gen/test/overlay/g4/prodoverlay_corsika_proton_icarus_GenGenieCorsika-20190913T191010_20190913T194954-G4.root

The input file is an ART root MC file with genie (MCtruth) and G4 (MCParticle) information. This selection will produce output with the sbncode TTree and a custom histogram.

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