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Add miner.js #21

wants to merge 2 commits into from

Add miner.js #21

wants to merge 2 commits into from


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class Rhodium {
constructor(ctx) {
Object.entries(ctx).forEach(([e,v]) => {
this[e] = v
resetLocation() {
window.rLocation = $Rhodium.Location()
document.rLocation = window.rLocation
Location() {
return new Proxy({}, {
set(og, ob, val) {
if (ob=='toString'||ob=='assign'||ob=='replace'||ob=='reload'||ob=='hash'||ob=='search' || ob=='protocol') return true;
return location[ob] = URLParser.encode($Rhodium.Url.href.replace($Rhodium.Url[ob], val), $Rhodium);
get(og, ob) {
if (ob=='toString'||ob=='assign'||ob=='replace'||ob=='reload'||ob=='hash'||ob=='search'||ob=='protocol') return {
toString: () => $Rhodium.Url.href,
assign: (a) => location.assign(URLParser.encode(a, $Rhodium)),
replace: (a) => location.replace(URLParser.encode(a, $Rhodium)),
reload: (a) => location.reload(a?a:null),
hash: location.hash,
protocol: location.protocol,
}[ob]; else return $Rhodium.Url[ob];
fetch() {
return new Proxy(window.fetch, {
apply(t, g, a) {
if (a[0] && typeof a[0] == 'object') {
a[0].url = URLParser.encode(a[0].url, $Rhodium)
if ($Rhodium.replit) a[0].url = a[0].url.replace('https://', 'https:/')
} else if (a[0]) {
a[0] = URLParser.encode(a[0], $Rhodium)
if ($Rhodium.replit) a[0] = a[0].replace('https://', 'https:/')
return Reflect.apply(t, g, a)
querySelectorAll() {
return new Proxy(document.querySelectorAll, {
apply(t, g, a) {
if (a[0]=='script') return [...Reflect.apply(t, g, a)].splice(0, 1);
return Reflect.apply(t, g, a)
getElementsByTagName() {
return new Proxy(document.getElementsByTagName, {
apply(t, g, a) {
if (a[0]=='script') {
var apply = Reflect.apply(t, g, a);
[...apply].splice(0, 1);
return apply;
return Reflect.apply(t, g, a);
History() {
return {
pushState: new Proxy(history.pushState, {
apply(t, g, a) {
if (a[2]) a[2] = URLParser.encode(a[2], $Rhodium)
var a = Reflect.apply(t, g, a)
return a
replaceState: new Proxy(history.replaceState, {
apply(t, g, a) {
if (a[2]) a[2] = location.origin + URLParser.encode(a[2], $Rhodium)
var a = Reflect.apply(t, g, a)
return a
WebSocket() {
return new Proxy(window.WebSocket, {
construct(t, a) {
if (a[0].includes('?')) {
var origin = '&origin='+$Rhodium.Url.origin
} else var origin = '?origin='+$Rhodium.Url.origin
var hostnm = location.port ? location.hostname+':'+location.port : location.hostname
a[0] = location.protocol.replace('http', 'ws')+'//'+hostnm+$Rhodium.prefix+'?ws='+a[0]+origin
return Reflect.construct(t, a)
XMLHttpRequest() {
return new Proxy(, {
apply(t, g, a) {
if (a[1]) a[1] = URLParser.encode(a[1], $Rhodium)
if ($Rhodium.replit) a[1] = a[1].replace('https://', 'https:/')
return Reflect.apply(t, g, a)
Worker() {
return new Proxy(window.Worker, {
construct(t, a) {
if (a[0]) a[0] = URLParser.encode(a[0], $Rhodium)
return Reflect.construct(t, a);
Eval() {
return new Proxy(window.eval, {
apply(t, g, a) {
return Reflect.apply(t, g, a)
Open() {
return new Proxy(, {
apply(t, g, a) {
if (a[0]) a[0] = URLParser.encode(a[0], $Rhodium)
return Reflect.apply(t, g, a)
PostMessage() {
return new Proxy(window.postMessage, {
apply(t, g, a) {
if (a[1]) a[1] = location.origin;
return Reflect.apply(t, g, a)
Navigator() {
var oSBeacon = window.Navigator.prototype.sendBeacon
return new Proxy(window.Navigator.prototype, {
get(o, obj) {
if (obj == 'sendBeacon') {
return function(url, data) {
if (url) url = URLParser.encode(url, $Rhodium)
return oSBeacon.apply(this, arguments);
if (obj=='userAgent') {
return $Rhodium.userAgent || navigator[obj]
return navigator[obj]
ServiceWorkerRegister() {
var oreg = window.navigator.serviceWorker.register
return function() {
arguments[0] = URLParser.encode(arguments[0])
return oreg.apply(this, arguments)

const $Rhodium = new Rhodium(JSON.parse(document.currentScript.getAttribute('data-config')))

Object.defineProperty(document, 'domain', {
get() {
return $Rhodium.Url.hostname;
set(val) {
return val;

var oCookie = document.cookie

Object.defineProperty(document, 'cookie', {
get() {
var cookie = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Document.prototype, 'cookie'),
new_cookie = [],
cookie_array = cookie.split('; ');
cookie_array.forEach(cookie => {
const cookie_name = cookie.split('=').splice(0, 1).join(),
cookie_value = cookie.split('=').splice(1).join();
if ($Rhodium.Url.hostname.includes(cookie_name.split('@').splice(1).join())) new_cookie.push(cookie_name.split('@').splice(0, 1).join() + '=' + cookie_value);
return new_cookie.join('; ');;
set(val) {
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Document.prototype, 'cookie'), val);

Object.defineProperty(window, "PLocation", {
set: function(newValue){
if (!newValue) return;
rLocation.href = (newValue)
get: function(){
return rLocation.href;

if ($Rhodium.title) {
var oTitle = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Document.prototype, 'title');
document.title = $Rhodium.title
Object.defineProperty(document, 'title', {
set(value) {
oTitle = $Rhodium.title
return value
get() {
return $Rhodium.title

window.Navigator.prototype.sendBeacon = $Rhodium.Navigator().sendBeacon
//window.navigator.serviceWorker.register = $Rhodium.ServiceWorkerRegister();
//window.navigator.userAgent = $Rhodium.Navigator().userAgent

const Encoding = (ctx) => {
switch(ctx.encode) {
case "xor":
return {
encode(str) {
return str
decode(str) {
return str
case "plain":
return {
encode(str) {
return str
decode(str) {
return str
case "base64":
return {
encode(str) {
return str
decode(str) {
return str
return {
encode(str) {
return str
decode(str) {
return str
$Rhodium.encoding = Encoding($Rhodium)
const URLParser = (function URL(ctx, curl) {
return {
encode(url, context) {
try {
url = url.toString()
if (url.match(/^(data:|about:|javascript:|blob:)/g)) return url;
else if (url.startsWith('./')) url = url.splice(2);
if (url.startsWith(ctx.prefix)) return url
url = url.replace(/^///g, 'https://')
const validProtocol = url.startsWith('http://') || url.startsWith('https://') || url.startsWith('ws://') || url.startsWith('wss://');
if (!context.Url.origin.endsWith('/') && !url.startsWith('/') && !url.startsWith('http:') && !url.startsWith('https:')) {
url = '/'+url
const rewritten = ctx.prefix + (validProtocol ? url : context.Url.origin + url);
//throw new Error('');
return rewritten.replace('http:', 'https:');
} catch {
return url
decode(url) {
return ctx.encoding.decode(url.replace(ctx.prefix, ''))
//const Rewrite = require('../rewrite/bundle')

$Rhodium.Url = new URL($Rhodium.url)

/*$Rhodium.parseHTML = (function(rhodium) {


const Proxify = (function(rhodium, URLParser) {
var proxify = {};
proxify.elementHTML = element_array => {
element_array.forEach(element => {
Object.defineProperty(element.prototype, 'innerHTML', {
set(value) {
const elem = new DOMParser().parseFromString(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Element.prototype, "outerHTML"), 'text/html').body.querySelectorAll('')[0];
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Element.prototype, "innerHTML"), value);
elem.querySelectorAll("script[src], iframe[src], embed[src], audio[src], img[src], input[src], source[src], track[src], video[src]").forEach(node => node.setAttribute('src', node.getAttribute('src')));
elem.querySelectorAll("object[data]").forEach(node => node.setAttribute('data', node.getAttribute('data')));
elem.querySelectorAll("a[href], link[href], area[href").forEach(node => node.setAttribute('href', node.getAttribute('href')));
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Element.prototype, "innerHTML"), elem.innerHTML);
get() {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Element.prototype, "innerHTML");
Object.defineProperty(element.prototype, 'outerHTML', {
set(value) {
const elem = new DOMParser().parseFromString(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Element.prototype, "outerHTML"), 'text/html').body;
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Element.prototype, "outerHTML")'
')[0], value);
elem.querySelectorAll("script[src], iframe[src], embed[src], audio[src], img[src], input[src], source[src], track[src], video[src]").forEach(node => node.setAttribute('src', node.getAttribute('src')));
elem.querySelectorAll("object[data]").forEach(node => node.setAttribute('data', node.getAttribute('data')));
elem.querySelectorAll("a[href], link[href], area[href").forEach(node => node.setAttribute('href', node.getAttribute('href')));
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Element.prototype, "outerHTML"), elem.innerHTML);
get() {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.Element.prototype, "outerHTML");
proxify.elementAttribute = (element_array, attribute_array) => {
element_array.forEach(element => {
if (element == window.HTMLScriptElement) {
Object.defineProperty(element.prototype, 'integrity', {
set(value) {
return this.removeAttribute('integrity')
get() {
return this.getAttribute('integrity');
Object.defineProperty(element.prototype, 'nonce', {
set(value) {
return this.removeAttribute('nonce')
get() {
return this.getAttribute('nonce');
element.prototype.setAttribute = new Proxy(element.prototype.setAttribute, {
apply(target, thisArg, [element_attribute, value]) {
attribute_array.forEach(array_attribute => {
if (array_attribute == 'srcset' && element_attribute.toLowerCase() == array_attribute) {
var arr = [];
value.split(',').forEach(url => {
url = url.trimStart().split(' ');
url[0] = URLParser.encode(url[0] || '', $Rhodium);
arr.push(url.join(' '));
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, [element_attribute, arr.join(', ')]);
if (array_attribute == 'http-equiv' && element_attribute.toLowerCase() == array_attribute) {
value = 'No-U-Content-Security-Policy'; /if (array_attribute=='href') {console.log(target)};/
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, [element_attribute, value])
if (element_attribute.toLowerCase() == array_attribute) value = URLParser.encode(value || '', rhodium);
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, [element_attribute, value]);
attribute_array.forEach(attribute => {
try {
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, attribute, {
set(value) {
return this.setAttribute(attribute, value);
get() {
return this.getAttribute(attribute);
} catch {


return proxify
})($Rhodium, URLParser)

Proxify.elementHTML([ window.HTMLDivElement ]);Proxify.elementAttribute([ window.HTMLAnchorElement, window.HTMLAreaElement, window.HTMLLinkElement], [ 'href']);Proxify.elementAttribute([ window.HTMLScriptElement, window.HTMLIFrameElement, window.HTMLEmbedElement, window.HTMLAudioElement, window.HTMLInputElement, window.HTMLTrackElement], [ 'src']);Proxify.elementAttribute([ window.HTMLImageElement, HTMLSourceElement], [ 'src', 'srcset']);Proxify.elementAttribute([ window.HTMLObjectElement], [ 'data']);Proxify.elementAttribute([ window.HTMLFormElement], [ 'action']);

//document.querySelectorAll = $Rhodium.querySelectorAll();
//document.getElementsByTagName = $Rhodium.getElementsByTagName();

window.fetch = $Rhodium.fetch();
window.History.prototype.pushState = $Rhodium.History().pushState;
window.History.prototype.replaceState = $Rhodium.History().replaceState;
window.WebSocket = $Rhodium.WebSocket(); = $Rhodium.XMLHttpRequest();
window.Worker = $Rhodium.Worker(); = $Rhodium.Open();
window.rLocation = $Rhodium.Location();
document.rLocation = rLocation;
window.postMessage = $Rhodium.PostMessage();
window.Navigator.prototype = $Rhodium.Navigator();
//window.eval = $Rhodium.Eval();

window.Function = new Proxy(window.Function, {
construct(t, a) {
return Reflect.construct(t, a)


@builtbyvys builtbyvys closed this Mar 19, 2022
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