- a5c0323 feat: Abstract spendingBreakdown table to a field in overview model
- 3a3f7a4 feat: Add MIT License file to the repository
- 815f047 feat: Add keyboard shortcut for navigating to overview state and update key bindings
- e24e9ba feat: Add period display to overview page and store in model
- 5d8ea11 feat: Add period handling to model and update overview display
- d465d04 feat: Add recurring expenses retrieval to model and update state management
- 08e2318 feat: Add recurring expenses table to overview page with relevant columns
- 45eb1d8 feat: Display current page in the top bar alongside the period
- 5de5d23 feat: Enhance item delegate styles for improved selection visibility
- 62cce91 feat: Enhance spendingBreakdown table styling and remove fixed height adjustment
- 89fb97c feat: Implement recurring expenses management with dedicated model and UI integration
- b604e1b feat: Set height of spendingBreakdown to match number of rows in table
- a067852 feat: Update lunchmoney dependency to v0.0.18 and refactor recurring expenses handling
- 02d0ee6 fix: Ignore non-quit keys during app loading state
- bc97f3f fix: Prevent session state change to transactions when already in that state and enhance transaction item filter value format
- b3b5301 refactor: Adjust padding in summary and viewport styles for improved layout
- f3674c2 refactor: Improve spendingBreakdown initialization and formatting in overview model
- 7643af2 refactor: Reorder help model to display overview before transactions
- fab7df9 style: Add spacing around accounts tree and net worth value
- b8cd19a style: Update color for ShortKey and FullKey in help model for improved visibility
Released by GoReleaser.