🚀Provisioned an AKS cluster using Azure portal or Azure CLI, enabling deployment and management of containerized applications in a highly available and scalable environment.
🚀Deployed an Nginx deployment in a test namespace of the AKS cluster, allowing testing of containerized applications and validating cluster functionality.
🚀Created an Azure blob storage account and container named "akslogs" to store application logs securely and reliably, facilitating log analysis and troubleshooting.
🚀Configured Vector, a high-performance log collector, to access the Azure blob storage container and stream application logs using a configuration file called "vector-config.yaml", ensuring proper storage and analysis of logs.
Azure CLI commands
az group create --name MyResourceGroup --location centralindia
az aks create -g MyResourceGroup -n myAKSCluster --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys
az storage account create \
--name storageromesh2002 \
--resource-group MyResourceGroup \
--location centralindia \
--sku Standard_ZRS \
--encryption-services blob
az storage container create \
--account-name storageromesh2002 \
--name akslogs \
command to install the vector
helm repo add vector https://helm.vector.dev
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install vector vector/vector -f vector-config.yaml -n test-ns --version 0.17.1
After a few minutes see the logs streaming to the “akslogs” container in your Azure Blob Storage.