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First perlmutter example (#44)
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rknop authored Jan 21, 2025
1 parent 2957748 commit 84bd2ac
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# phrosty

## Running tests
**PHotometry for ROman Simulations protoTYpe.**

Tests depend on test data being where it's expected. It needs to have
the (full?) Roman data from the Roman-DESC / OpenUniverse sims. Set the
following env vars:
Aldoroty, L., *et al.*, 2025, in prep

* SIMS_DIR = OpenUniverse roman data (on nersc: `/global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/shared/external/roman-desc-sims/Roman_data`)
* SNANA_PQ_DIR = ... (on nersc: `/dvs_ro/cfs/cdirs/lsst/www/DESC_TD_PUBLIC/Roman+DESC/PQ+HDF5_ROMAN+LSST_LARGE`)
* SNID_LC_DIR = ... (on nersc: `/dvs_ro/cfs/cdirs/lsst/www/DESC_TD_PUBLIC/Roman+DESC/ROMAN+LSST_LARGE_SNIa-normal`)
* SN_INFO_DIR = must be set to the path of tests/sn_info_dir (contains file tds.yaml)
* DIA_OUT_DIR = a place to write stuff. Suggest making a directory under tests and pointing at that
* LC_OUT_DIR = a place to write stuff. Suggest making a directory under tests and pointing at that
This is lightcurve software being developed for the Roman Supernova Project Infrastructure Team (SNPIT). It is designed to take a sequence of Roman images, divided into "template" and "science" images. It subtracts each template image from each science image. It then measures the flux in a point source at a specified RA/Dec on each difference image. A combination of all of the fluxes measured for a given science image provide an estimate of the flux at the MJD of that science image. All of these fluxes together provide the lightcurve.

Currently, *phrosty* only handles the OpenUniverse sims [ref needed]. It reads images from those sims in FITS format, using the standard FITS WCSes found in the headers of those files for image alignment. The galsim package and a particular version of the roman imsim package ( provide the PSF used both for PSF photometry and for the PSF matching in the SFFT image subtraction software (Hu *et al.*, 2022, ApJ, 936, 157).

## NOTE: If you use this, do a git pull every day. I change this almost daily.
## Prerequisites and Environment

"phrosty": PHotometry for ROman Simulations protoTYpe.
Although SFFT works in both CPU and GPU environments, currently some of the code in *phrosty* requires a CUDA-based GPU. It requires a machine with an NVidia GPU that has at least 20MB (or more) of GPU RAM. The Perlmutter GPU nodes at NERSC (with 40GB of GPU RAM) meet this requirement, but consumer graphics cards with only 12GB of RAM aren't sufficient.

Basic package for working with the Roman-DESC simulations, associated with Aldoroty et al. 2024 in prep.
A number of standard python libraries are required, all of which may be installed from pip, including `numpy`, `scipy`, `astropy`, `scikit-image`, `cupy-cuda12x`, `pandas`, `requests`, `fitsio`, `pyarrow`, `fastparquet`, and (maybe?) `nvmath-python[cu12]`. *Phrosty* also requires `galsim`, which may be installed from pip.

*phrosty* requires commit `74a9053` from `roman_imsim`, which may be git cloned from ``. (This is nominally `v2.0` of that archive, but as of this writing, there is both a branch and a tag `v2.0`, which confuses the `git archive` command. Thus, we give you the specific commit.)

Install by cloning this directory, navigating to that directory in your local terminal, and then using
pip install -e .
## Using the image subtraction module:
Make sure you update the output_files_rootdir variable in,
as well as rootdir (points to original RomanDESC images) in Otherwise,
you will get path errors.
The fledgling/proposed Roman SNPIT docker environment at provides a Dockerized environment that *phrosty* should be able to run in. As of this writing, we're using version `v0.0.1` of that environment. *phrosty* currently requires the (more bloated) dev environment, but we hope in the future to make it run with the regular environment. (NOTE: this environment will be deprecated in the near future, in favor of a Docker environment created under Once that is available, this README will be updated.) You can pull this docker image from the following locations:

You need to clone and install this directory:
* ``
* ``

You also need GalSim, but you can't pip install it at this time because the features
you need are not yet pushed to pip. So, clone and install.
(For an example of actually running phrosty in this dockerized environment, see `examples/perlmutter/`.)

Lastly, you need to clone and install the v2.0 branch of roman_imsim.
### Manual installs

from phrosty.imagesubtraction import *
from phrosty.plotting import showimage
# Which images are we using?
band = 'H158'
refvisit = 19138
refsca = 14
scivisit = 36445
scisca = 1
ra = 8.037774
dec = -42.752337
# Display a raw image.
# Do sky subtraction on both the science and reference images, then display one.
sci_skysub_path = sky_subtract(band='H158',pointing=scivisit,sca=scisca)
ref_skysub_path = sky_subtract(band='H158',pointing=refvisit,sca=refsca)
# Align the science image to the reference image and display.
sci_imalign_path = imalign(ref_skysub_path,sci_skysub_path)
# Retrieve PSFs at the chosen RA, dec location for each image, and rotate to the alignment.
sci_psf_path = get_psf(ra,dec,sci_imalign_path,sci_skysub_path,'H158',
ref_psf_path = get_psf(ra,dec,ref_skysub_path,ref_skysub_path,'H158',
# Cross-convolve the PSFs and images.
convolvedpaths = crossconvolve(sci_imalign_path, sci_psf_path, ref_skysub_path, ref_psf_path)
for path in convolvedpaths:
# Cut out 1000x1000 stamps centered at the chosen RA, dec.
spaths = []
for path in convolvedpaths:
spath = stampmaker(ra, dec, path)
# Do SFFT subtraction.
scipath, refpath = spaths
diff, soln = difference(scipath, refpath, sci_psf_path, ref_psf_path)
showimage(diff, data_ext=0)
# Make your decorrelation kernel.
dcker_path = decorr_kernel(scipath, refpath, sci_psf_path, ref_psf_path, diff, soln)
# Decorrelate the difference image.
decorr_diff_path = decorr_img(diff, dcker_path, imgtype='difference')
showimage(decorr_path, data_ext=0)
# Decorrelate the cross-convolved science image so you can get the zeropoint from this correctly.
decorr_zpt_path = decorr_img(spaths[0], dcker_path, imgtype='science')
# Calculate your final PSF to be used on your difference image and decorrelated cross-convolved science image.
psfpath = calc_psf(spaths[0], spaths[1], sci_psf_path, ref_psf_path, dcker_path)
Not included in the docker image described above is SFFT— because, as of this writing, the version used with phrosty was under development. SFFT must be separately cloned from [email protected]:Roman-Supernova-PIT/sfft.git, the directory to which you clone that archive must by in your `PYTHONPATH`. As of this writing, *phrosty* requires the `fixes_20241022` branch, though hopefully we will get that branch merged back to the `master` branch. See "Examples" below for samples of this in action.

## Old readme contents:
Currently, you will also need GalSim (clone from git repo), roman_imsim (also clone from git repo), and SFFT (clone from my forked repo **FOR NOW. A pull request on the original repo will be merged soon.)
### Necessary directories data files

You will likely need to change the "rootdir" variable in, and output_files_rootdir in
Currently, *phrosty* depends on the following environment variables to find data:

This package is modular. Modules are compatible with each other, and they interface
easily, but you do not need to use all the modules. It contains:
* `SIMS_DIR` : OpenUniverse roman data (on nersc: `/dvs_ro/cfs/cdirs/lsst/shared/external/roman-desc-sims/Roman_data`)
* `SN_INFO_DIR` : A directory that holds information about the OpenUniverse sims, and transients from the OpenUniverse sims. It must have a file `tds.yaml` that is copied from `$SIMS_DIR/RomanTDS/tds.yaml` and properly modified for whatever environment you're running (mostly by fixing paths).
* `SNANA_PQ_DIR` : A directory with the transient parquet files from the OpenUniverse sims (on nersc: /dvs_ro/cfs/cdirs/lsst/www/DESC_TD_PUBLIC/Roman+DESC/PQ+HDF5_ROMAN+LSST_LARGE)
* `DIA_OUT_DIR` : A directory where difference images (and psfs and other associated images) will be written.

You'll need:
- Your science image
- The truth file corresponding to that science image
- WCS information

Photometry usage example:
# Standard imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
## Running the code

# Astro imports
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.wcs import WCS

# This package
from phrosty.sourcedetection import detect_sources, plot_sources, catalog_matching
from phrosty.photometry import ap_phot
For now, see the one extant example below.

imgpath = '/path/to/science/image.fits.gz'
truthpath = '/path/to/truth/file.txt'
## Examples

hdu =
wcs = WCS(hdu[1].header)
img = hdu[1].data
Currently, these examples are intended for members of the Roman SN PIT. Anybody may try them, but since we're early in development, we can't support non-PIT members yet. Members of the PIT, if you have any issues running phrosty, ping Rob Knop and Lauren Aldoroty in the `#photometry` channel on the SN PIT Slack.

### NERSC/Perlmutter

An example running *phrosty* on an interactive node, and on a slurm-allocated node, on Perlmutter at NERSC may be found in the examples/perlmutter directory.

## Running tests

The tests need to be run within an environment where *phrosty* will run properly. At the moment, the only environment we've successfully used this with is the Docker environment described in the NERSC/Perlmutter environment above. Follow that example through running `bash`. Then, instead of doing what the example says, run
cd /home/phrosty/tests
export DIA_OUT_DIR=../../dia_out_dir
export SN_INFO_DIR=../../sn_info_dir
pytest -v

objects = detect_sources(img)
# plot_sources(img, objects)
TODO: we need to clean this up and make the test environment more self-contained.

# Note: column names in your truth object table must be distinct from the names of the output columns,
# and the suffix must be '_truth'. e.g. don't put 'x' in your truth object table, put 'x_truth'.
truth_colnames = ['object_id', 'ra_truth', 'dec_truth', 'x_truth', 'y_truth', 'realized_flux', 'flux_truth', 'mag_truth']
truthread = pd.read_csv(truthpath, skipinitialspace=True, names=truth_colnames, sep=' ', comment='#')
cat = Table(Table.from_pandas(truthread), masked=True)
## Plotting lightcurves

matched_catalog = catalog_matching(objects, cat, wcs)
detected_coords = matched_catalog[matched_catalog['detection'] == 1]

apphot = ap_phot(img, detected_coords)
For now, you can use your favorite plotting program and just read the `.csv` files produced by the pipeline. However, we need to document how you read in the OpenUniverse truth files for plotting lightcurves against the truth files.

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