Repo for versioning various utility code. This repo is mainly used for the tutorial here :
This notebook is used to extract relevant arXiv article from their daily mail, based on a selection of keywords.
Contains scripts to process Airbus Pleiade products: unzipping, extracting to .TIF, pansharpening. Also contains a script to georeference the Pleiade images in case QGIS can't do it on its own. It does what the QGIS Georeferencer does, so you can directly use QGIS to do it.
Small notebook to extract the correct SRTM or COPERNICUS DEM given a Pleiade image. This DEM is to be used as initial_elevation
for CARS.
The second part is used to extract a ROI from Pleiade images that are not georeferenced based on a polygone .shp. It gives the image coordinates (row, col) to be used for otbcli_ExtractROI
Handy scripts for getting LiDAR HD. Contains its own
Small notebook for reprojecting a DSM into the correct geometry and resampling it and its mask. Usefull for comparing LiDAR DSM with CARS DSM.
Old notebook with Pandora interval processings. To be honest it is not maintained and probably is out of dated with the interval integration of Pandora