I remember about two years ago, at the startup company, the development task was heavy. I often worked overtime until 12 o'clock in the evening before the test. Even if the bug was finished, I would have to watch Xcode unhurriedly spend more than half an hour to complete the package and upload it. Test platform, sent an email to get home with peace of mind. In view of this painful experience, I used the leisure time to engage in an automatic packaging script. Later, I was equipped with Jenkins, and I lived a life without shame. (Applies to Xcode 8.2 and later)
- The least file on the market, using the most convenient automated packaging script
- Redundancy less, clear structure, complete notes
- At the same time support multi-platform upload, such as: Dir, Fir, dandelion, App Store and so on
- Has a high custom
- [The era of self-scripting] -> [The era of Fastlane]
- Xcode 8+
[🚂 The era of self-scripting] Just look at it, some preparations provide reference, if the environment is already configured, please read [🚄 Fastlane's era]
fir-cli is built using Ruby and does not require compilation as long as the corresponding gem is installed.
$ ruby -v # > 1.9.3
$ gem install fir-cli
(1) use the system comes with Ruby installation, make sure ruby-dev has been installed correctly:
$ xcode-select --install # OS X system
$ sudo apt-get install ruby-dev # Linux system
(2) Permission denied related errors: Solution: add sudo before the command (3) There was a problem related to Gem :: RemoteFetcher :: FetchError: Solution: replace Ruby Taobao source (due to domestic network reasons, you know), and upgrade the system comes with the gem
$ gem sources --remove https://rubygems.org/
$ gem sources -a https://ruby.taobao.org/
$ gem sources -l
# Please make sure that only ruby.taobao.org, if there are other sources, remove remove
gem update --system
gem install fir-cli
(4) Since Mac OS X version 10.11 and later, 10.11 introduced rootless and can not directly install fir-cli. There are three solutions: Method 1: Install Ruby with Homebrew and RVM, then install fir-cli (recommended)
# Install Homebrew:
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
# Install RVM:
$ \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby
$ gem install fir-cli
Method 2: Specify the PATH of the bin file in fir-cli
$ export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH;gem install -n /usr/local/bin fir-cli
Method 3: Override Ruby Gem's bindir
$ echo 'gem: --bindir /usr/local/bin' >> ~/.gemrc
$ gem install fir-cli
First https://fir.im create a project, get API Token and copy.
fir login
Commands are used to log in to fir.im using the API token and use commands such as publishing applications.
fir me
Command to view the currently logged in user information.
I, [2016-03-08T12:48:56.499435 #13043] INFO -- : Login succeed, previous user's email: [email protected]
I, [2016-03-08T12:48:56.507044 #13043] INFO -- : Login succeed, current user's email: [email protected]
I, [2016-03-08T12:48:56.507147 #13043] INFO -- :
$ fir me
I, [2016-03-08T12:48:14.175488 #12986] INFO -- : Login succeed, current user's email: [email protected]
I, [2016-03-08T12:48:14.175687 #12986] INFO -- : Login succeed, current user's name: xxx
I, [2016-03-08T12:48:14.175765 #12986] INFO -- :
The folder into the project directory root directory
configuration shell script
# Need to change the place (according to the project specific information changes)
PROJECT_NAME = "***" # project name
VERSION = "1.0.0" # Package version number will be created according to different versions of the folder (regardless of the version number of the project itself)
TAGREAT_NAME = "***" # The name of the corresponding target such as "Meifabao_User" "Miefabao_stylist"
CONFIGURATION = "Release" # Packaged environment settings Release environment Debug environment
PROFILE = "AdHoc" # The configuration file is divided into four kinds of AdHoc Dev AppStore Ent corresponding to four kinds of configuration files
OUTPUT = "./Packge/%s"% (CONFIGURATION) # package export ipa file path (make sure the "% s" before the folder is correct and there)
Fill in according to the specific project
- Console to the project directory, start the script (if necessary, add administrator privileges). You can drag autobuild.py to the console and execute the script
Note: Due to the practicality of other function script is not high (in fact, I am too lazy to engage), there is no adapter modulation, interested friends can configure their own trials, including: e-mail, packaged App Store and so on.
When you see it
The packaged items are already on your Fir testbed.
Make sure the Xcode command line tool installs the latest version and install it with the following command:
Xcode-select --install
Fastlane is a set of automated tools written in Ruby for automated packaging and publishing of iOS and Android, saving a lot of time:
Sudo gem install fastlane --verbose
Under the root of the project, execute the fastlane init command to start initialization:
Fastlane init
Improve script configuration information based on comments
Script description:
- Support version number self-growth
- Support for passing custom macros for using this precompiled macro in code to distinguish development and publishing environments
- Support automatic upload to fir and testflight
- Popup prompt after successful upload
Upload to fir usage:
./build.sh -m "xxxx_app_test" -t test
Upload to testflight usage:
./build.sh -m "xxxx_app_pro" -t pro
Jenkins is an open source project that provides an easy-to-use, continuous integration system that frees developers from complex integrations and focuses on more important business logic implementations. At the same time, Jenkins can implement errors in monitoring integration, provide detailed log files and reminders, and graphically display the trend and stability of project construction in the form of charts.
It is recommended to use the command line to build the environment.
(1) installation brew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
(2) Upgrade java
Brew cask install java
(3) Installation jenkins
Brew install jenkins
Of course you can also download the latest Jenkins.war from the official website at http://mirrors.jenkins.io/war-stable/latest/jenkins.war
(1) Hanging:
Brew services start jenkins
(2) Temporary:
The browser opens http://localhost:8080/ and enters a secure password, which is output from a file in the secure password command line.
Then automatically install the recommended plugin and create a new administrator account password.
Log in to http://localhost:8080/ and select System Management - Manage Plugins. Select GitLab Plugin, Gitlab Hook Plugin, and Cocoapod plugin for installation in the optional plugin.
- Click New, enter a name, and build a free-style software project.
- Configure the Git repository address and add a git account.
- Configure the build script
1.fir: command not found
This is because there is no installation fir-cil, resulting in the corresponding command line can not find, just need to install it on the line, see the above wrote how to install fir-cil.
2.README: No such file or directory
That is because there is no README file in your script directory. You just need to create a README file, open the terminal, cd to the current location, and execute the following command:
touch README
3.ERROR – : Token can not be blank
This is because you are not logged in to fir, and you should log in to fir before executing this script. For more information, please see the login fir.im.
4.ERROR -: Code = 14 (no trial device Domain = IDEDistributionErrorDomain Code = 14 "No applicable devices Reason: rvm ruby configuration error Solution: console rvm system
Port occupation
Using lsof will enumerate all occupied port lists:
Use less for pagination, such as:
lsof | less
You can also use -i to see if a port is occupied, such as:
lsof -i:3000
Kill the process
kill PID (process's PID, such as 2044)
Http://your-jenkins/systemInfo, view the value of the user.timezone variable
Run in Jenkins [System Management] - [Script Command Line]
system.setProperty('org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.fmt.timeZone', 'Asia/Shanghai')
Jenkins' "build timeout plugin" plugin can help us with this task. I am using jenkins-2.7.1. The plugin is installed by default. If it is not installed by default, it can be searched for in the plugin management.
- Build periodically: Cycle project construction (it doesn't matter if the source code changes)
- Poll SCM: Check the source code changes regularly, check out the latest code if there is an update, and then perform the build action.
Build every 15 minutes: H/15 * * * * or */5 * * * *
Build once every 8:0 8 * * *
8 to 17 every day, build once every two hours: 0 8-17/2 * * *
Monday to Friday, 8:00 to 17:00, build once every two hours: 0 8-17/2 * * 1-5
Built on the 1st and 15th of each month, except December: H H 1,15 1-11 *
*/5 * * * * (Check source changes every 5 minutes)
0 2 * * * (The source code must be built once every 2:00)
Set the version number to 1.1.0
Xcrun agvtool new-marketing-version 1.1.0
Set the build number automatically add 1
Xcrun agvtool next-version -all
Agvtool is a command line tool that allows you to automatically increment to the next highest number or specific number.
By default, no version control system is used. Setting up the version system Apple Universal ensures that Xcode will include all agvtool version information generated in your project.
Above: Set the version of the current project and the build settings of the version control system
Agvtool queries the application's Info.plist to get your version and bulid version number.
So make sure the keys for CFBundleVersion (Bundle version) and CFBundleShortVersionString (Bundle versions string, short) are in your Info.plist.
Above: info.plist
Exit Xcode, then navigate to the directory containing the project and run the following command to apply the agvtool property in the terminal.
Set the version number to 1.1.0
Xcrun agvtool new-marketing-version 1.1.0
Set the build number automatically add 1
Xcrun agvtool next-version -all
Set the build number to 31
Xcrun agvtool new-version -all 31
View Version Numbers
Xcrun agvtool what-marketing-version
View Build Numbers
Xcrun agvtool what-version
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- Email : [email protected]
- Blog : https://reversescale.github.io