- 📝 Table of Contents
- 📙 About
- 🌠 Features
- 📂 Folder Structure
- 🏁 Getting Started
- 💻 Built Using
- 📸 Demo Screens
- 🕴 Contributors
- ⏳ Backlog
- 📃 License
A to do List application that allows users to create and manage their tasks. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to add, edit, delete, and complete tasks.
- Ability to add new tasks.
- Ability to view tasks based on different categories, such as
- Today's Tasks
- All Tasks
- Important Tasks
- Completed Tasks
- Uncompleted Tasks
- Ability to mark tasks as completed or uncompleted.
- Ability to edit and delete tasks.
- Ability to search for tasks using a search bar.
- Responsive design that works well on desktop and mobile devices.
- Integration with local storage to persist data between sessions.
I am still working on the project, this is not the final verison of it, I just make it public to get feedback and imporve it
│ └───images
│ ├───CardTask
│ ├───DeleteTaskModal
│ ├───LeftSideBar
│ ├───RightSideBar
│ ├───SearchBar
│ ├───TaskModal
│ └───ToastModal
│ ├───Header
│ └───ShowTasks
│ └───HomePage
This is an list of needed instructions to set up your project locally, to get a local copy up and running follow these instructuins.
- Node.js
- Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/ZiadSheriif/Todo-List.git
- Navigate to TodoList Folder
$ cd TodoList
Running program
- Install modules
npm install
- Start program
npm start
- ReactJs
- React Bootstrap
Ziad Sherif |
Add a feature to categorize tasks, allowing users to filter tasks by category. -
Implement a due date feature that allows users to set a due date for tasks and receive reminders when tasks are approaching their deadline. - Add the ability to sort tasks by various criteria, such as due date, priority, or category.
- Store tasks in a JSON file instead of local storage.
Implement a search functionality to enable users to search for specific tasks by keyword or phrase. -
Add the ability to prioritize tasks by assigning them different levels of importance or urgency. - Implement a calendar view that shows tasks on a monthly or weekly calendar, making it easier for users to plan and manage their tasks.
- Add directory that user can attach task in a sub directory.
- Implement authentication and authorization features to allow users to create and manage their own tasks.
- Allow users to drag and drop tasks to rearrange their order or move them between categories.
Ability to filter tasks by status (all, active, completed). -
Ability to edit task details.
This software is licensed under MIT License, See License for more information ©ZiadSheriif.