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This repo provides a starting point to create custom user plugins for RaspAP.


The SamplePlugin implements a PluginInterface and is automatically loaded by RaspAP's PluginManager. Several common plugin functions are included, as well as an example method for persisting data in plugin instances. Each plugin has its own namespace, meaning that classes and functions are organized to avoid naming conflicts. Plugins are self-contained and render templates from inside their own /templates directory.



The SamplePlugin requires an installation of RaspAP, either via the Quick install method or with a Docker container. The default application path /var/www/html is used here. If you've chosen a different install location, substitute this in the steps below.

  1. Begin by creating a fork of this repository.
  2. Change to the install location and create a /plugins directory.
    cd /var/www/html
    sudo mkdir plugins
  3. Change to the /plugins directory and clone your SamplePlugin fork:
    cd plugins
    sudo git clone[your-username]/SamplePlugin
  4. The PluginManager will detect and autoload the plugin; a new Sample Plugin item will appear in the sidebar.

Scope of functionality

The SamplePlugin implements the server-side methods needed to support basic plugin functionality. It initalizes a Sidebar object and adds a custom navigation item. User input is processed with handlePageAction() and several common operations are performed, including:

  1. Saving plugin settings
  2. Starting a sample service
  3. Stopping a sample service

Template data is then collected in $__template_data and rendered by the main.php template file located in /templates. Property get/set methods are demonstrated with apiKey and serviceStatus values. A method is then used in persistData() to save the SamplePlugin object data.

Importantly, SamplePlugin does not use the PHP $_SESSION object. Known as a "superglobal", or automatic global variable, this is available in all scopes throughout a script. Using the $_SESSION object in a plugin context can lead to conflicts with other plugin instances.

On the front-end, Bootstrap's form validation is used to validate user input. A custom JavaScript function responds to a click event to generate a random apiKey value. The sample.service LED indicator is functional, as are the service stop/start form buttons.


The SamplePlugin demonstrates basic plugin functions without being overly complex. It's designed with best practices in mind and made to be easily modified by developers.

Unique plugin names

Most plugin authors will probably begin by renaming SamplePlugin to something unique. The PluginManager expects the plugin folder, file, namespace and class to follow the same naming convention. When renaming the SamplePlugin ensure that each of the following entities uses the same plugin name:

Entity Type
plugins/SamplePlugin folder
plugins/SamplePlugin/SamplePlugin.php file
namespace RaspAP\Plugins\SamplePlugin namespace
class SamplePlugin implements PluginInterface class

That is, replace each occurrence of SamplePlugin with your plugin name in each of these entities.

Plugin logic and templates

Plugin classes and functions are contained in SamplePlugin.php. The parent template main.php and child tab templates are used to render template data.

├── SamplePlugin/
│   ├── SamplePlugin.php
│   └── templates/
│       ├── main.php
│       └── tabs/
│           ├── about.php
│           ├── basic.php
│           └── status.php

You may wish to omit, modify or create new tabs. This is done by editing main.php and modifying the contents of the /tabs directory.

Sidebar item

The PluginInterface exposes an initalize() method that is used to create a unique sidebar item. The properties below can be customized for your plugin:

$label = _('Sample Plugin');
$icon = 'fas fa-plug';
$action = 'plugin__'.$this->getName();
$priority = 65;

You may specify any icon in the Font Awesome 6.6 free library for the sidebar item. The priority value sets the position of the item in the sidebar (lower values = a higher priority).


For security reasons, the www-data user which the lighttpd web service runs under is not allowed to start or stop daemons or execute commands. RaspAP's installer adds the www-data user to sudoers, but with restrictions on what commands the user can run. If your plugin requires execute permissions on a Linux binary not present in RaspAP's sudoers file, you will need to add this yourself. To edit this file, the visudo command should be used. This tool safely edits sudoers and performs basic validity checks before installing the edited file. Execute visudo and edit RaspAP's sudoers file like so:

sudo visudo /etc/sudoers.d/090_raspap

An example of adding entries to support a plugin's service is shown below:

www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/systemctl start sample.service
www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/systemctl stop sample.service
www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/systemctl status sample.service

Wildcards ('*') and regular expressions are supported by sudoers but care should be taken when using them.

Multiple instances

The PluginManager is a managerial class responsible for locating, instantiating and coordinating plugins. Through the use of namespaces and object data persistence in SamplePlugin, any number of user plugins may be installed to /plugins and run concurrently.


As previously noted, developers should avoid using PHP's $_SESSION object in their plugins to prevent conflicts with other plugin instances.

The persistData() function writes serialized data to the volatile /tmp directory which is cleared on each system boot. For this reason, it should not be used as a method of permanent data storage. However, this functionality roughly approximates PHP's $_SESSION object; the difference being that each plugin's data is isolated from other plugin instances.

Publishing your plugin

The SamplePlugin contains an "About" tab where you may provide author information, a description and link to your project. If you'd like your plugin to be included in RaspAP's official plugins repo and made available via the one-click Plugin Installer UI, the manifest.json file must be populated. This is described in the next section.


The plugin manifest is used to specify basic metadata about your plugin such as its name, version, description, author and so on. If your plugin has external dependencies, configuration files, needs special permissions or requires a non-priviledged user, these may also be defined in their respective fields. Refer to the SocksProxy plugin manifest for a working example.

If you've authored a plugin you feel would be useful to the RaspAP community, you're encouraged to open a pull request in the official plugins repository. Approved third-party plugins will be made available to install via RaspAP's interface. As a small token of gratitude, authors whose plugins are approved will receive complimentary lifetime access to Insiders.


A sample user plugin to extend RaspAP







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