This package censores profanity in String sequences and delivers some censor options for your needs.
Dart Profanity is an experimental project under development and should not be used in production at this time.
- Censors profanity in words for the languages english, german and turkish (more incoming)
- You can enable the first letter and censor the rest (more options incoming)
- Simple Api with no overhead
- No Third-Party dependencies
- Open for everyone
- Contributions are welcome :)
Enter in the console:
pub get dart_profanity
final profanity = Profanity(languages: ['en']); // Shorter Profanity(), as en is the default
final isProfanity = profanity.containsProfanity('YoU aRe aN aSShole & FuCKer.');
print(isProfanity); // Outputs: true
final censoredWithAsterisk = profanity.censor(
bleepType: CensorBleepType.asterisk,
print(censoredWithAsterisk); // Outputs: *******