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The sdk-bsp-stm32h7r-realthread-artpi2 is a support package developed by the RT-Thread team for the ART-Pi development board. It also serves as a software SDK for users to develop their applications more easily and conveniently.

The ART-Pi2 is an open-source hardware platform designed by the RT-Thread team specifically for embedded software engineers and open-source makers, offering extensive expandability for DIY projects.


Directory Structure

$ sdk-bsp-stm32h7r-realthread-artpi2
├── RealThread_STM32H7R-ART-Pi2.yaml
├── debug
├── documents
│ ├──
│ ├── RT-Thread Programming Guide.pdf
│ ├── board
│ └── figures
├── libraries
│ ├── STM32H7RSxx_HAL_Driver
│ ├── drivers
│ └── touchgfx_lib
├── projects
│ ├── art_pi_blink_led
│ ├── art_pi_bootloader
│ ├── art_pi2_lvgl_demo
│ ├── art_pi2_touchgfx
│ ├── art_pi2_sdcard
│ └── art_pi_wifi
├── rt-thread
└── tools
  • RealThread_STMH7R-ART-Pi.yaml: Describes the hardware information of ART-Pi.
  • documents: Contains schematics, documents, images, and datasheets.
  • libraries: Includes STM32H7 firmware libraries, general peripheral drivers, and TouchGFX libraries.
  • projects: Example project folders, including factory programs, gateway programs, etc.
  • rt-thread: RT-Thread source code.
  • tools: Contains Wi-Fi firmware, MDK download algorithms, etc.

Usage Instructions

sdk-bsp-stm32h7r-realthread-artpi supports MDK development and RT-Thread Studio development.

STM32CubeProg Software

Download the latest version of the software: STM32CubeProg - STMicroelectronics.

RT-Thread Studio Development

  1. Download Studio version v2.2.9: Download Link.
  2. Copy the file and replace the file with the same name in the plugins folder of the installed Studio directory. (This step will be fixed in the next Studio version.)
  3. Open the RT-Thread Studio package manager and install the ART-Pi2 SDK resource package. sdk_manager
  4. After installation, select File → New → RT-Thread Project → Based on Development Board and choose the ART-Pi2 development board. sdk_manager

MDK Development

  1. Install the latest version of MDK: MDK-ARM Version 5.41 Product Update.
  2. Install the STM32H7R-MDK chip pack: Keil.STM32H7RSxx_DFP.1.0.0.pack.
  3. Copy the tools\download_algorithm\flm\ART-Pi2_winbond_64MB.FLM download algorithm to the MDK Installation Directory\Core\ARM\Flash folder.

To avoid the SDK becoming bloated due to continuous updates, where each projects folder creates a copy of the rt-thread and libraries folders, these common folders have been extracted separately. This may cause compilation errors in MDK projects due to missing files from these folders. There are two methods to resolve this issue:

Method 1:

  1. Double-click the mklinks.bat file in the project directory, such as the one in sdk-bsp-stm32h7r-realthread-artpi2\projects\art_pi2_blink_led.
  2. Check if the rt-thread and libraries folder icons appear in the sdk-bsp-stm32h7r-realthread-artpi2\projects\art_pi2_blink_led directory.
  3. Use the ENV-2.0 tool to execute scons --target=mdk5 to update the MDK5 project files.

Method 2:

  1. Download the SDK from the ART-Pi SDK Repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory, e.g., sdk-bsp-stm32h7r-realthread-artpi2\projects\art_pi2_blink_led.
  3. Use the ENV-2.0 tool to execute the mklink command to create symbolic links for the rt-thread and libraries folders.
E:\project\sdk-bsp-stm32h7r-realthread-artpi2\projects\art_pi2_blink_led>mklink /D rt-thread ....\rt-thread
symbolic link created for rt-thread <<===>> ....\rt-thread

E:\project\sdk-bsp-stm32h7r-realthread-artpi2\projects>mklink /D libraries ....\libraries
symbolic link created for libraries <<===>> ....\libraries


Use the ENV-2.0 tool to execute scons --target=mdk5 to update the MDK5 project files.

ART-Pi Communication Platform

ART-Pi is an open-source creative hardware platform. We look forward to more enthusiasts discovering its potential. If you have any ideas or suggestions during use, please contact us through the following channels:


Contributing Code

If you are interested in ART-Pi and have some fun projects you'd like to share with everyone, we welcome your code contributions. You can refer to the ART-Pi Code Contribution Guide.

Participating in Projects

Here are some ways you can participate:

  • Maintain existing SDK repository code.
  • Submit project code that can be merged into the SDK repository.
  • Submit showcase projects whose code cannot be merged into the SDK repository but are open-sourced elsewhere.
  • Submit expansion boards.
  • Write column articles.