Drag and drop zlib format compressor and decompressor for Windows
Either download a release executable or compile one. (See below.)
Installation is drag&drop: just drag the file where you want it.
Just delete the program file. No registry items or setup files are created by this program, simplifying removal.
Requires zlib.h and libz.a from your system's zlib (or zlib-dev) package, or from zlib.net
If you have gcc, run t/zdrop.c.bat to test, then makegcc.bat to open a window with the executable, which you can drag where you want to use it.
If you have an IDE, open zdrop.c and add zlib.h and libz.a
If you want to use make, run make test
then make install
This program was made as an answer for a MajorGeeks.com forum question from zpipe.c, a zlib example public domain source.