Welcome to our Tic Tac Toe game! This is a simple, yet fun game built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's a classic game that has been played for generations, and we're excited to bring it to you in a digital format.
Tic Tac Toe is a two-player game where one player is 'X' and the other player is 'O'. The game is played on a 3x3 grid. The goal of the game is to get three of your own marks (either 'X' or 'O') in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
- HTML: We used HTML to structure the game board and create the layout of the game.
- CSS: CSS was used to style the game. It gives the game its look and feel, making it visually appealing.
- JavaScript: JavaScript is the backbone of this game. It handles the game logic, player input, and determines the winner of the game.
To play the game, simply click on any square in the grid. If it's your turn, your mark (either 'X' or 'O') will be placed in that square. The game will automatically switch turns between 'X' and 'O'. The game ends when one player has three of their marks in a row or all squares are filled. If all squares are filled and no player has three marks in a row, the game is a draw.
We're always looking to improve the game. Future updates may include features like score tracking, adjustable grid size, and multiplayer over the network.
We hope you enjoy playing this game as much as we enjoyed building it. Happy gaming!
Created by Purval Bhude