The bedwars mod that I use in my videos. It is a modified version of Nucleoid's bedwars mod. This bedwars mod requires Fabric 1.19.3; Nucleoid's plasmid, substrate, and fantasy; doctor4t's enchancement, enchantment descriptions and bookshelf for enchancement, and a modified pick your poison; turtlearmymc's double jump mod; and jfronny's combit.
In order to use this mod, you need to have either a server host that will let you upload your own mods, like Apex Hosting (not sponsored) or AWS, or you can host the server yourself on your own computer. Make sure you're using Fabric loader 0.14.14 for Minecraft 1.19.3. This is the version I used, and I cannot guarantee it will work on other versions of Fabric. Remember to run the server once and accept the EULA.
I use Prism Launcher to make installing mods a lot easier, but everything should still work with the default launcher. Install Fabric Loader 0.14.17 for Minecraft 1.19.3 on your client. Yes, it is a different version than the server, I don't know why other versions don't work. Run the game once and check the bottom left corner of the window to make sure the Fabric version is correct.
Download Plasmid, Substrate, and Fantasy from Nucleoid's maven. Download my version of Nucleoid's bedwars mod from GitHub.
These four mods only need to be added to the server, not the client. Upload these .jar files to whatever Minecraft server host you're using. The rest of the mods need to be added to both the client and the server. Download Bookshelf, Enchancement, Enchantment Descriptions, and Combit from Modrinth. Download my version of Pick Your Poison from GitHub.
- Download Bookshelf
- Download Enchancemnet
- Download Enchantment Descriptions
- Download ComBit
- Download Pick Your Poison
Upload all of these mods to your server host, as well as adding them to your mods folder in your .minecraft folder. ComBit and Enchancement do need a little bit of extra configuration, so I would recommend downloading the config files here.