- SignUp check the existing database and update the new user
- By default inactive account is created and a activation link will be sent to the user email through node mailer
- Login check the user data and allow the login
- Endpoint to resend the activation email
- Forgot Password creates a temporary token and send a mail to the user to update the password
- Gets a Full URL from user and create a Hsort URL
- when the Short URL is clicked it will Redirect the user to Full URL
- Update the Short URL Count everytime the short url is clicked
Base URL
URL - https://urlshortener-mhsq.onrender.com/
Get the user data and store it in the dataBase
Automatically send a email to the user for Authentication
Request Format
{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "example" }
Get the user data and check the user details in the database
Request Format
{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "example" }
forgot passoword
Get the user email and check the user details in the database and send a Password Reset link to the User email
Request Format
{ "email": "[email protected]" }
verify reset page
When the User click the password reset email it will check the data and allow the user to update the new password
update new password
Request Format
{ "newPassword": "123", "confirmPassword": "123" }