The ultimate unicorn intend (like multi-progress) to add a layer on top of the progress API to allow multiple progress bars.
API and implementation differs a bit.
npm i the-ultimate-unicorn
const ProgressBar = require('the-ultimate-unicorn');
// ...
const progressBar = new ProgressBar({ title: 'Potatoes', total: 142 });
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
if (progressBar.isComplete) {
}, 100);
Api is very similar to the progress one. With subtile differences.
Create a new progressBar
- (default: 100) int: Total tick to consider the progressBar complete
- options.title (default: '') string: Title of the progressBar
- options.current (default 0) int: Initial progressBar ticks
- options.chars (default
{ complete: '=', incomplete: '-' }
) object: Characters use to draw the progressBar - options.format (default ':title [:bar] :etas') string: Template string used to draw the progressBar
Add a tick to a ProgressBar instance
Force complete a progress bar
- ProgressBar.renderThrottle (default 16) int: Minimum period beteween 2 progressBar render (default: 16)
- (default process.stderr) stream: Output stream