This solver has been implemented in a grid recognition and resolution project for the Hashiwokakero puzzle. It is a specialized solver, aiming to solve some Hashiwokakero grid with an explicit internal representation.
g++ -std=c++17 service.cpp Island.cpp HashiGrid.cpp HashiState.cpp -lpistache -lstdc++fs -o solver
You can either give a .has file (structure can be found is Hashi_Puzzles directory, they are specific csv files). You should call the solver with ./solver filename
Also, the solver can be deployed as a web service, listening on localhost:50003. The deploy the solver that way, you should just use ./solver The REST API of the solver, once deployed as a service, is developped with Pistache. Its implementation has not been a priority, and can be slightly improved.
"grid" : {
"dimension": <int>,
"description": [<int>, <int>, ...]
The dimension field must contain a positive integer greater than 1, and the description field must contain a flat description of the grid, starting from top-left, of size dimension * dimension.
The output of the service is a list representing the bridges that have to be built to solve the puzzle. If the given puzzle is not solvable, the returned list of bridges will be empty. The bridges are described as connections between island IDs, which are relative to there apparition order in the input "description" field. Also, the same bridge can occur twice in the solution, indicating a double connection between the given islands.
would become
"grid" : {
"dimension": 4,
"description": [0,1,0,0,0,2,0,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,4,4]
and the output solution for this puzzle would be
This solver could be greatly improved. Actually, when updating possible bridges, we run an update on each island of the grid, were only a subset of them could be updated. Also, the internal representation is really trivial, and aims to represent the grid as a human would see it. An approach based on constraint programming would be way more efficient. Finally, the Only Few Neighbors rule has not been implemented yet, which would be a really strong improvement.