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CSP Graph

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Anatomy of a csp.graph

csp.graph methods are called in order to construct the graph and are only executed before the engine is run. A graph is a collection of nodes and adapters which can either be executed as an argument to or composed into a larger graph. The csp.graph decorator is only used for type validation and it is optional when creating a CSP program. A standard Python function without the decorator can also be passed as an argument to if type validation is not required. csp.graph methods can be created to encapsulate components of a graph, and can be called from other csp.graph methods in order to help facilitate graph building.

Simple example:

def calc_user_time(session_data: ts[UserSession]) -> ts[float]:
    # sub-graph code needed to compute the time a user spends on a website
    session_time = session_data.logout_time - session_data.login_time
    time_online = csp.stats.sum(session_time)
    return time_online

def calc_site_traffic(users: List[str]) -> ts[float]:
    user_time = []
    for user in users:
        user_sessions = get_session(user)

    return csp.sum(user_time)

In this simple example we compute the total time all users spend on a website. We have a csp.graph subcomponent calc_user_time which computes the time a single user spends on the site throughout the run. Then, in calc_site_traffic we compute the total user traffic by creating the user-level subgraph for each account and aggregating the results.

Graph Propagation and Single-Dispatch

The CSP graph propagation algorithm ensures that all nodes are executed after any of their dependencies on a given engine cycle.


An engine cycle refers to a single execution of a CSP graph. There can be multiple engine cycles at the same timestamp; for example, a single data source may have two events both at 2020-01-01 00:00:00. These events will be executed in two cycles that both occur at the same timestamp. Another case where multiple cycles can occur is

For example, consider the graph below:


Individuals nodes are executed in rank order where the rank of a node is defined as the longest path between the node and an input adapter. The "mid" node is at rank 1, while "spread" is at rank 2 and "quote" is rank 3. Therefore, if "bid" ticks on a given engine cycle then "mid" will be executed before "spread" and "quote". Note that the order of node execution within a rank is undefined, and users should never rely on the execution order of nodes at the same rank.

Graph Pruning

Any node in a graph that is not connected to an output will be pruned from the graph and will not exist during runtime. An output is defined as either an output adapter or a csp.node without any outputs of its own. Pruning is an optimization which avoids executing nodes whose result will be discarded. As a result, it's best practice for any csp.node to be *side-effect free; they shouldn't mutate any state outside of the node.

Executing a Graph

Graphs can be executed using the function. Execution takes place in either real-time or historical mode (see Execution Modes) depending on the realtime argument. Graph execution begin at a starttime and ends at an endtime; the endtime argument can either be a datetime which is past the start or a timedelta which is the duration of the run. For example, if we wish to run our calc_site_traffic graph over one week of historical data we can execute it with:, users=['alice', 'bob'], starttime=start, endtime=timedelta(weeks=1), realtime=False)

Collecting Graph Outputs

There are multiple methods of getting in-process outputs after executing a csp.graph. If the graph returns one or more time-series, the full history of those values will be returned from

return example

import csp
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def my_graph() -> ts[int]:
    return csp.merge(csp.const(1), csp.const(2, delay=timedelta(seconds=1)))

res =, starttime=datetime(2021,11,8))


{0: [(datetime.datetime(2021, 11, 8, 0, 0), 1), (datetime.datetime(2021, 11, 8, 0, 0, 1), 2)]}

Note that the result is a list of (time, value) tuples. You can have the result returned as two separate NumPy arrays, one for the times and one for the values, by setting output_numpy=True in the run call.

res =, starttime=datetime(2021,11,8), output_numpy=True)


{0: (array(['2021-11-08T00:00:00.000000000', '2021-11-08T00:00:01.000000000'], dtype='datetime64[ns]'), array([1, 2], dtype=int64))}

You can also use csp.add_graph_output to add outputs. These do not need to be in the top-level graph called directly from Users can also specify the amount of history they want stored in the output using the tick_count and tick_history arguments to add_graph_output. For example, if only the last value needs to be stored set tick_count=1.

add_graph_output example

def my_graph():
    same_thing = csp.merge(csp.const(1), csp.const(2, delay=timedelta(seconds=1)))
    csp.add_graph_output('my_name', same_thing)

res =, starttime=datetime(2021,11,8))


{'my_name': [(datetime.datetime(2021, 11, 8, 0, 0), 1), (datetime.datetime(2021, 11, 8, 0, 0, 1), 2)]}
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