This sample application is here to help customers get up and running with Playfinity SDK on iOS.
The Playfinity SDK communicates with playOS on the Playfinity console. ✔️ Facebook ✔️ Instagram ✔️ Youtube
- PlayfinityKit SDK FAT(x86 and arm) and release(arm)
- PlayfinityKit console discovering and pairing (BLE)
- Listening and reacting to console events
- Sounds
- Ball throwing sample
- Trampoline jumping sample
- Trick ball sample
- Cloud transporter
- Coded in Swift
Sample app screenshot with successfully connected SDK and Playfinity Console (real device photo)
PlayfinityKit targets iOS 11 and newer.
<string>https: //</string>
Drag and drop PlayfinityKit.framework
into your project.
There are universal/PlayfinityKit.framework
that contains symbols required by iOS simulator
There are release/PlayfinityKit.framework
use this one for Appstore uploads.
Playfinity Console can operate in a several different modes. For example it can act like a ball or a trampoline ankle band.
While initialising Playfinity SDK we can choose what mode to use:
let config = Configuration.init(applicationKey: "SAMPLE_TEST", developerId: "SAMPLE_TEST", sensorType: SensorType.ball)
PlayfinityKit.validate(configuration: config) { [weak self] (result) in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch result {
case .success(let sdk):
case .failure(let error):
After config validation you are able to add
public protocol SensorObserver : AnyObject {
func playfinityKit(_ playfinityKit: PlayfinityKit.PlayfinityKit, didFoundSensor sensor: PlayfinityKit.Sensor)
func playfinityKit(_ playfinityKit: PlayfinityKit.PlayfinityKit, lowBatteryOn sensor: PlayfinityKit.Sensor)
func playfinityKit(_ playfinityKit: PlayfinityKit.PlayfinityKit, didGetEvent event: PlayfinityKit.BallEvent, onSensor sensor: PlayfinityKit.Sensor)
func playfinityKit(_ playfinityKit: PlayfinityKit.PlayfinityKit, didGetEvent event: PlayfinityKit.TrampolineEvent, onSensor sensor: PlayfinityKit.Sensor)
func playfinityKit(_ playfinityKit: PlayfinityKit.PlayfinityKit, didGetEvent event: PlayfinityKit.FootballEvent, onSensor sensor: PlayfinityKit.Sensor)
After config validation you are able to use public func addObserver(_ observer: PlayfinityKit.SensorObserver)
public class PlayfinityKit {
public static func validate(configuration: PlayfinityKit.Configuration, completion: @escaping (Result<PlayfinityKit.PlayfinityKit, Error>) -> ())
public func scan()
public func stopScan()
public func addObserver(_ observer: PlayfinityKit.SensorObserver)
public func removeObserver(_ observer: PlayfinityKit.SensorObserver)
Will Produce:
public enum BallEvent {
//speed in km/h
case throwEvent(speed: Double)
//airTime in milis, height in cm
case catchEvent(airTime: Double, height: Double)
//airTime in milis, height in cm
case missEvent(airTime: Double, height: Double)
//airTime in milis, height in cm
case bounceEvent(airTime: Double, height: Double)
case buttonPressEvent
Will Produce:
public enum TrampolineEvent {
case jumpEvent
//yawRotation and pitchRotation in degrees
case landFeetEvent(yawRotation: Double, pitchRotation: Double)
case buttonPressEvent
Will Produce:
public enum FootballEvent {
//speed in km/h
case kickEvent(speed: Double)
case missEvent
case bounceEvent
case buttonPressEvent
Playfinity Cloud Transponder enables an option to send console events to a specified endpoint in real time.
To toggle it, you need to add Settings.bundle
to your project.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Or change it calling directly UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "cloud_enabled")
To change endpoint url replace in Info.plist
with your own URL.
Request sent by app will look like:
curl -H 'Host: X' -H 'appId: SAMPLE_TEST' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'playerId: SAMPLE_TEST' -H 'appVersion: 1.0.0' -H 'Accept-Language: pl-pl' -H 'platform: iOS' -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -H 'User-Agent: PlayfinityKitExample/1 CFNetwork/1121.2.2 Darwin/19.3.0' -H 'phoneId: X' -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' --data-binary '{"events":[{"event":"buttonTop","airtime":0,"speed":0,"height":0,"at":"2020-04-15T08:34:52.395Z","from":"-","key":"buttonTop_1_127","flip":0,"by":"D4FF202E36D5@151BD5E69094","md5":"1191f1ca51b103ce41072309f9266533","rotation":0,"action":127}]}' --compressed 'CLOUD_API_URL/event'
where event
can be:
buttonTop, thrown, caught, landFeet, jump, bounce, miss
Copyright 2020
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.