vs-picgo v2.1.2
🎉 2.1.2 (2021-07-25)
Note: smms 已经取消了 token 限制,现在 vs-picgo 可以不需要任何设置,开箱即用。
🐛 Bug Fixes
- dep: bundle picgo-core to dist (5c523ed)
🎉 2.1.1 (2021-07-25)
✨ Features
🐛 Bug Fixes
- add tencent cos path option (606b9d4)
- azure pipeline + coveralls (c8129ed)
- ci: github actions use yarn to lock versions (#77) (3347690)
- clipboard: set
, fixes #75 (#78) (9aff38e) - proxy: add proxy config, fixes #79 (5cd019d)
📦 Chore
- .vscode: update .vscode (65f8157)
- add bump version (#32) (4ec0218)
- add coverage collector (e8b30b7)
- azure -> github actions (5ae4ec2)
- migrate to standardjs (#83) (75c8c97)
- replace tslint with eslint (ce3fe27)
- Setup continuous integration appveyor & azure (#31) (1b6de45)