- 🔍 Smart Package Search - Fast and efficient package discovery
- 📦 Version Control - Install specific package versions
- 🗑️ Clean Uninstallation - Remove packages without residual files
- 📋 Package Listing - View all installed packages
- 🛠️ Dev Shell Support - Isolated development environments
- ⚡ Cache System - Lightning-fast package searches
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js (v14 or higher)
- pnpm (v6 or higher)
- Nix Package Manager
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/drop.git
# Navigate to project directory
cd drop
# Install dependencies
pnpm install
# Build the project
pnpm build
# Install CLI globally
pnpm link --global
# View all available commands
drop --help
# Check CLI version
drop --version
# List all available packages
drop list
# Search for specific packages
drop list python
# Install a package with specific version
drop install python313 3.13.0
# View installed packages
drop installed
# Remove a package
drop remove python313
# Start a development shell
drop devVM
├── dist/ # Compiled JavaScript code
├── src/ # TypeScript source files
│ ├── cli.ts # Main CLI implementation
│ └── utils/ # Utility functions
├── package.json # Project configuration
└── tsconfig.json # TypeScript settings
# Build the project
pnpm run build
# Run directly after building
node dist/cli.js
The CLI uses several configuration files:
- Stores package information for faster searchesflake.nix
- Nix configuration for development shell
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Package Not Found
# Try updating the package cache rm packages-cache.json drop list
Installation Fails
- Ensure Nix is properly installed
- Check your system permissions
- Verify package name and version
- Report bugs by creating an issue
- Join our Discord community
- Follow updates on Twitter
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Made with ❤️ by [Your Name]