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donboyd5 committed Jun 1, 2020
1 parent a9b12c2 commit 38b03bf
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,475 additions and 13 deletions.
38 changes: 31 additions & 7 deletions include/functions_poisson_model2.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,27 @@ distances <- function(betavec, wh, xmat, targets){

solve_poisson <- function(problem, maxiter=100, scale=FALSE, scale_goal=1000, step_scale=1){

get_step <- function(){
fmin2 <- function(x0, f) {
x <- x0
while (sum(abs(gx)) > .01) {
gx <- grad(f, x)
x <- x - t(solve(numDeriv::hessian(func=f, x)) %*% gx)

step <- case_when(method=="adhoc" ~ step_adhoc(),
TRUE ~ step_adhoc())

solve_poisson <- function(problem, maxiter=100, scale=FALSE, scale_goal=1000, step_method="adhoc", step_scale=1, tol=1e-4){
t1 <- proc.time()

init_step_scale <- step_scale

problem_unscaled <- problem
Expand All @@ -77,8 +97,6 @@ solve_poisson <- function(problem, maxiter=100, scale=FALSE, scale_goal=1000, st
edelta <- delta0 # tpc uses initial delta based on initial beta

sse_vec <- rep(NA_real_, maxiter)
# iter <- 0
# step_scale <- 1

for(iter in 1:maxiter){
# iter <- iter + 1
Expand All @@ -88,16 +106,19 @@ solve_poisson <- function(problem, maxiter=100, scale=FALSE, scale_goal=1000, st

etargets <- t(ewhs) %*% xmat
d <- targets - etargets
rel_err <- ifelse(targets==0, NA, abs(d / targets))
max_rel_err <- max(rel_err, na.rm=TRUE)
sse <- sum(d^2)
if( break
sse_vec[iter] <- sse
best_sse <- min(sse_vec, na.rm=TRUE)
if(sse==best_sse) best_ebeta <- ebeta
prior_sse <- sse
if(iter <=20 | iter %% 20 ==0) print(sprintf("iteration: %i sse: %.5e ", iter, sse))
if(sse < 1e-6) {
if(iter <=20 | iter %% 20 ==0) print(sprintf("iteration: %i, sse: %.5e, max_rel_err: %.5e", iter, sse, max_rel_err))

if(max_rel_err < tol) {
# exit if good
print(sprintf("exit at iteration: %i sse: %.5e ", iter, sse))
print(sprintf("exit at iteration: %i, sse: %.5e, max_rel_err: %.5e", iter, sse, max_rel_err))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,7 +148,10 @@ solve_poisson <- function(problem, maxiter=100, scale=FALSE, scale_goal=1000, st
if(scale==TRUE) etargets <- sweep(etargets, 2, problem$scale_factor, "/")
final_step_scale <- step_scale

keepnames <- c("maxiter", "iter", "sse", "sse_vec", "d", "best_ebeta", "best_edelta", "ewh", "ewhs", "etargets",
t2 <- proc.time()
total_seconds <- as.numeric((t2 - t1)[3])

keepnames <- c("total_seconds", "maxiter", "iter", "max_rel_err", "sse", "sse_vec", "d", "best_ebeta", "best_edelta", "ewh", "ewhs", "etargets",
"problem_unscaled", "scale", "scale_goal", "init_step_scale", "final_step_scale")
result <- list()
for(var in keepnames) result[[var]] <- get(var)
Expand Down
223 changes: 223 additions & 0 deletions include/functions_poisson_model3.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@

get_delta <- function(wh, beta, x){
beta_x <- exp(beta %*% t(x))
log(wh / colSums(beta_x))

get_weights <- function(beta, delta, xmat){
# get whs: state weights for households, given beta matrix, delta vector, and x matrix
beta_x <- beta %*% t(xmat)
# add delta vector to every row of beta_x and transpose
beta_xd <- apply(beta_x, 1 , function(mat) mat + delta)

scale_problem <- function(problem, scale_goal){
# problem is a list with at least the following:
# targets
# x
# return:
# list with the scaled problem, including all of the original elements, plus
# scaled versions of x and targets
# plus new items scale_goal and scale_factor

max_targets <- apply(problem$targets, 2, max) # find max target in each row of the target matrix
scale_factor <- scale_goal / max_targets

scaled_targets <- sweep(problem$targets, 2, scale_factor, "*")
scaled_x <- sweep(problem$x, 2, scale_factor, "*")

scaled_problem <- problem
scaled_problem$targets <- scaled_targets
scaled_problem$x <- scaled_x
scaled_problem$scale_factor <- scale_factor


jac <- function(ewhs, xmatrix){
# jacobian of distance vector relative to beta vector, IGNORING delta
x2 <- xmatrix * xmatrix
ddiag <- - t(ewhs) %*% x2 # note the minus sign in front

vtom <- function(vec, nrows){
matrix(vec, nrow=nrows, byrow=FALSE)

distances <- function(betavec, wh, xmat, targets){
# return a distance vector: differences between targets and corresponding
# values calculated given a beta vector, household weights, and x matrix
beta <- vtom(betavec, nrows=nrow(targets))
delta <- get_delta(wh, beta, xmat)
whs <- get_weights(beta, delta, xmat)
etargets <- t(whs) %*% xmat
d <- targets - etargets

sse_fn <- function(betavec, wh, xmat, targets){
sum(distances(betavec, wh, xmat, targets)^2)

step_inputs <- list()
step_inputs$targets <- problem$targets
step_inputs$wh <- problem$wh
step_inputs$xmat <- problem$x

step_fd <- function(ebeta, step_inputs){
# finite differences
bvec <- as.vector(ebeta)
gbeta <- numDeriv::grad(sse_fn, bvec, wh=step_inputs$wh, xmat=step_inputs$xmat, targets=step_inputs$targets)
hbeta <- numDeriv::hessian(sse_fn, bvec, wh=step_inputs$wh, xmat=step_inputs$xmat, targets=step_inputs$targets)
ihbeta <- solve(hbeta)
stepvec <- t(ihbeta %*% gbeta)
step <- vtom(stepvec, nrows=nrow(ebeta))

step_fd <- function(ebeta, step_inputs){
# finite differences -- version to print time
bvec <- as.vector(ebeta)
t1 <- proc.time()
gbeta <- numDeriv::grad(sse_fn, bvec, wh=step_inputs$wh, xmat=step_inputs$xmat, targets=step_inputs$targets)
t2 <- proc.time()
print(sprintf("gradient time in seconds: %.1e", (t2-t1)[3]))
hbeta <- numDeriv::hessian(sse_fn, bvec, wh=step_inputs$wh, xmat=step_inputs$xmat, targets=step_inputs$targets)
t3 <- proc.time()
print(sprintf("hessian time in seconds: %.1e", (t3-t2)[3]))
ihbeta <- solve(hbeta)
t4 <- proc.time()
print(sprintf("inverse time in seconds: %.1e", (t4-t3)[3]))
stepvec <- t(ihbeta %*% gbeta)
step <- vtom(stepvec, nrows=nrow(ebeta))

step_adhoc <- function(ebeta, step_inputs){
-(1 / step_inputs$ews) * step_inputs$d %*% step_inputs$invxpx * step_inputs$step_scale

get_step <- function(step_method, ebeta, step_inputs){
step <- case_when(step_method=="adhoc" ~ step_adhoc(ebeta, step_inputs),
step_method=="finite_diff" ~ step_fd(ebeta, step_inputs),
TRUE ~ step_adhoc(ebeta, step_inputs))

solve_poisson <- function(problem, maxiter=100, scale=FALSE, scale_goal=1000, step_method="adhoc", step_scale=1, tol=1e-3, start=NULL){
t1 <- proc.time()

if(step_method=="adhoc") step_fn <- step_adhoc else{
if(step_method=="finite_diff") step_fn <- step_fd

init_step_scale <- step_scale

problem_unscaled <- problem
if(scale==TRUE) problem <- scale_problem(problem, scale_goal)

# unbundle the problem list and create additional variables needed
targets <- problem$targets
wh <- problem$wh
xmat <- problem$x

xpx <- t(xmat) %*% xmat
invxpx <- solve(xpx) # TODO: add error check and exit if not invertible

if(is.null(start)) beta0 <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(targets), ncol=ncol(targets)) else # tpc uses 0 as beta starting point
beta0 <- start
delta0 <- get_delta(wh, beta0, xmat) # tpc uses initial delta based on initial beta

ebeta <- beta0 # tpc uses 0 as beta starting point
edelta <- delta0 # tpc uses initial delta based on initial beta

sse_vec <- rep(NA_real_, maxiter)

step_inputs <- list()
step_inputs$targets <- targets
step_inputs$step_scale <- step_scale
step_inputs$xmat <- xmat
step_inputs$invxpx <- invxpx
step_inputs$wh <- wh

for(iter in 1:maxiter){
# iter <- iter + 1
ewhs <- get_weights(ebeta, edelta, xmat)
ews <- colSums(ewhs)
ewh <- rowSums(ewhs)
step_inputs$ews <- ews

etargets <- t(ewhs) %*% xmat
d <- targets - etargets
step_inputs$d <- d

rel_err <- ifelse(targets==0, NA, abs(d / targets))
max_rel_err <- max(rel_err, na.rm=TRUE)
sse <- sum(d^2)
if( break # bad result, end it now, we have already saved the prior best result

sse_vec[iter] <- sse
# sse_vec <- c(seq(200, 100, -1), NA, NA)
sse_rel_change <- sse_vec / lag(sse_vec) - 1
# iter <- 5
# test2 <- ifelse(iter >= 5, !any(sse_rel_change[iter - 0:2] < -.01), FALSE)
# test2
# any(sse_rel_change[c(4, 5, 6)] < -.01)

best_sse <- min(sse_vec, na.rm=TRUE)
if(sse==best_sse) best_ebeta <- ebeta
prior_sse <- sse

if(iter <=20 | iter %% 20 ==0) print(sprintf("iteration: %i, sse: %.5e, max_rel_err: %.5e", iter, sse, max_rel_err))

#.. stopping criteria ---- iter <- 5
test1 <- max_rel_err < tol # every distance from target is within our desired error tolerance
# test2: none the of last 3 iterations had sse improvement of 0.1% or more
test2 <- ifelse(iter >= 5, !any(sse_rel_change[iter - 0:2] < -.001), FALSE)

if(test1 | test2) {
# exit if good
print(sprintf("exit at iteration: %i, sse: %.5e, max_rel_err: %.5e", iter, sse, max_rel_err))

# if sse is > prior sse, adjust step scale downward
if(step_method=="adhoc" & (sse > best_sse)){
step_scale <- step_scale * .5
ebeta <- best_ebeta # reset and try again

prior_ebeta <- ebeta

# ad hoc step
# step <- -(1 / ews) * d %*% invxpx * step_scale
step_inputs$step_scale <- step_scale
step <- step_fn(ebeta, step_inputs) # * (1 - iter /maxiter) # * step_scale # * (1 - iter /maxiter)
# print(step)

ebeta <- ebeta - step
edelta <- get_delta(ewh, ebeta, xmat)

best_edelta <- get_delta(ewh, best_ebeta, xmat)
ewhs <- get_weights(best_ebeta, best_edelta, xmat)
ewh <- rowSums(ewhs)
if(scale==TRUE) etargets <- sweep(etargets, 2, problem$scale_factor, "/")
final_step_scale <- step_scale

t2 <- proc.time()
total_seconds <- as.numeric((t2 - t1)[3])

keepnames <- c("total_seconds", "maxiter", "iter", "max_rel_err", "sse", "sse_vec", "d", "best_ebeta", "best_edelta", "ewh", "ewhs", "etargets",
"problem_unscaled", "scale", "scale_goal", "init_step_scale", "final_step_scale")
result <- list()
for(var in keepnames) result[[var]] <- get(var)
print("all done")

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