A graphical interface for Tilings.
pip install tilingsgui
tilingsgui -j 'tilingsgui json object'
Pyperclip requires clipboard tools that might not come pre-installed.
sudo apt-get install xclip
Without them the app still works but pasting won’t.
Along with the description of the bug, please provide a json of the tiling which is exportable in the gui.
Point insertion
Permutation insertion
Factor with interleaving
Fusion with column set
Fusion with row set
Component fusion with column set
Component fusion with row set
Highlight hovered cell
Obstruction transitivity
East placement
North placement
South placement
West placement
East partial placement
North partial placement
South partial placement
West partial placement
Pretty points
Row column separation
Show crossing
Show localized
Obstruction inferral
The input box directly above the tiling canvas can be used to create an initial tiling. It accepts both strings and json, using from_string
and from_json
respectively. A right click activates it. To confirm your input, press enter or click away from the text box. Escape cancels the input. Right clicking when activated will paste whatever is on the clipboard.
Example: The following two inputs are two ways of producing the same initial tiling.
1432_12345 {"class_module": "tilings.tiling", "comb_class": "Tiling", "obstructions": [{"patt": [0, 3, 2, 1], "pos": [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]}, {"patt": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], "pos": [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]}], "requirements": [], "assumptions": []}
The initial tiling in question would be the following.
1: Av(0321, 01234)
To insert a permutation into a single cell, one can choose either to add a point,
, or a custom permutation,
. For the latter, the latest confirmed input in the text box above the button grid is used. The text box works just like the one for inputting tilings. It uses
to convert the input to a permutation. After having selected the permutation to insert, then clicking a cell will insert it. Left click inserts it as a requirement while a right click inserts it as a obstruction, using add_single_cell_requirement
and add_single_cell_obstruction
There are two types of factorization, factor
and factor with interleaving
. In both cases they are applied to the cell that is clicked. Two active cells are in the same factor if they are in the same row or column, or they share an obstruction or a requirement. For factoring with interleaving, two non-empty cells are in the same factor if they share an obstruction or a requirement.
By clicking a point of a requirement, we pass its gridded permutation along with its index within it to place_point_of_gridded_permutation
and the direction set by the button chosen, east
, north
, south
or west
def place_point_of_gridded_permutation(
self, gp: GriddedPerm, idx: int, direction: int
) -> "Tiling":
Return the tiling where the directionmost occurrence of the idx point
in the gridded permutaion gp is placed.
By clicking a point of a requirement, we pass its gridded permutation along with its index within it to partial_place_point_of_gridded_permutation
and the direction set by the button chosen, east
, north
, south
or west
def partial_place_point_of_gridded_permutation(
self, gp: GriddedPerm, idx: int, direction: int
) -> "Tiling":
Return the tiling where the directionmost occurrence of the idx point
in the gridded permutaion gp is placed. The point is placed onto its
own row or own column depending on the direction.
Let c_r
and c_c
be the row and column respectively of the clicked cell. There are 4 types of fusions available. Fusion with row=c_r
, fusion with
, component fusion with
, and component fusion with
. If the fusion are invalid, then exceptions are caught and nothing happens.
Fuse the tilings.
If `row` is not `None` then `row` and `row+1` are fused together.
If `col` is not `None` then `col` and `col+1` are fused together.
Component fusion:
Fuse the tilings in such a way that it can be unfused by drawing a line between skew/sum-components.
If `row` is not `None` then `row` and `row+1` are fused together.
If `col` is not `None` then `col` and `col+1` are fused together.
Given that there are previously drawn tilings, then undo,
, will redraw the one before the last action. If you wish to revert the undo, you can use redo,
. There is a limit on how many tilings are stored in memory.
splits the row and columns of a tilings using the inequalities implied by the length two obstructions.
adds length 2 obstructions to the tiling using transitivity over positive cells.
, will store the current tiling in memory and upon closing the app, will add all stored tilings in the session to
. There is a session limit so the file become too large. If the session limit is reached, than adding more will remove the oldest. The format of the json can be seen below with time and tiling values empty. Any time export is used, a copy of the history is placed in the current working directory.
"session_time": "",
"tilings": [
"tiling_time": "",
"tiling": {}
"tiling_time": "",
"tiling": {}
"session_time": "",
"tilings": [
"tiling_time": "",
"tiling": {}
Writing the current tiling to stdout
, will produce both the
and __repr__
representation of the tiling. An example output is shown below.
| |●| |
|1| |1|
1: Av(021)
●: point
Crossing obstructions:
01: (0, 0), (2, 0)
Requirement 0:
0: (1, 1)
Tiling(obstructions=(GriddedPerm(Perm((0,)), ((0, 1),)), GriddedPerm(Perm((0,)), ((1, 0),)), GriddedPerm(Perm((0,)), ((2, 1),)), GriddedPerm(Perm((0, 1)), ((0, 0), (2, 0))), GriddedPerm(Perm((0, 1)), ((1, 1), (1, 1))), GriddedPerm(Perm((1, 0)), ((1, 1), (1, 1))), GriddedPerm(Perm((0, 2, 1)), ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0))), GriddedPerm(Perm((0, 2, 1)), ((2, 0), (2, 0), (2, 0)))), requirements=((GriddedPerm(Perm((0,)), ((1, 1),)),),), assumptions=())
The first few terms of the sequence of gridded permutations griddable on the current tiling can be written to stdout
, where for example the following tiling
| |●| | |
|1| |1| |
| | | |●|
| | |1| |
1: Av(021)
●: point
Crossing obstructions:
01: (0, 2), (2, 2)
01: (2, 0), (2, 2)
Requirement 0:
0: (1, 3)
Requirement 1:
0: (3, 1)
would produce this output.
[0, 0, 1, 3, 9, 28, 90, 297]
With shading on,
, then a 1 restriction is not drawn as a point but rather as a filled cell.
With pretty points on,
, then 12 and 21 restrictions along with a 1 requirement within the same cell are drawn as a single point.
With localized shown,
, requirements and obstructions that are contained in a single cell are shown. Without it they are not.
With crossing shown,
, requirements and obstructions that reach across different cells are shown. Without it they are not.
Turning on the hovered cell highlighting,
, obstructions in the hovered cell are colored differently.
Add all obstructions up to a length that does not change the set of gridded permutations. Pressing
will use the upper right input box to determine the lenght. It is maxed at 7 and defaults to 3.
to produce the current tiling with the current positions as a tikz figure.
Given a tiling t
, the verification button,
, will produce the following result.
An example output is shown below.
BasicVerificationStrategy : True
DatabaseVerificationStrategy : False
ElementaryVerificationStrategy : False
InsertionEncodingVerificationStrategy : True
LocallyFactorableVerificationStrategy : False
LocalVerificationStrategy : True
MonotoneTreeVerificationStrategy : False
OneByOneVerificationStrategy : True