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PoC (Proof of Concept) caching optimization algorithm for graphical tree environment, written entirely in pure C++.


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HMI Tree Optimization

PoC (Proof of Concept) caching optimization algorithm for graphical tree environment, written entirely in pure C++.

Table of contents


After I had finished the 11th grade in high school, I had 2 weeks of compulsory internship at a legitimate software company in Sofia, Bulgaria. The firm (which I won't name in this document) where I spent my first two weeks of July 2019, develop some of the embedded electronics, as well as its accompanied firmware, for well-known car companies such as Volkswagen, BMW, and Porsche. Furthermore, my 2 weeks of internship took place in the firm's HMI department. The latter is tasked with developing the graphical software environment of various car models' dashboards.

During my two weeks of internship, I was tasked with developing a Proof of Concept solution to a rather difficult algorithmic optimization problem (which is described below). In the span of this fortnight, I had gained an understanding of the existing HMI graphical structure and had managed to come up with a solution made up of various algorithms, adapted to my specific problem, and had started to implement it in C++. In the following 2-3 weeks, I had fully developed and documented (see Documentation section below) my solution.

This README attempts to explain the thought process that went into solving the given optimization problem, the algorithms that were utilized to develop this PoC, as well as various implementation details to ease readers of the C++ code. I have decided to publish my solution in this repository for others, who may also have their own algorithmic problems to solve, to possibly explore. There might be some ideas from this project that you could utilize. If you choose to explore this project's code, know that it is definitely not of the highest quality - most was written within 2-3 weeks and I also do not consider myself an experienced C++ programmer. The section on Implementation details may aid any readers.

Problem description and solution

This section describes the given optimization problem and my PoC solution.

The HMI tree structure

The underlying graphical environment of a car's dashboard, which the HMI department was developing, is a very complex mixed tree-like/graph-like data structure. The nodes of this tree-like structure are the various graphical elements of the car's dashboard. Some of them are standalone elements (e.g. LEDs, letters, etc.), whilst others both have their intrinsic properties and can also contain other graphical nodes within. There are also reference nodes which act as pointers to other types of nodes, essentially providing a way to copy some part of the graphical dashboard and paste it to another location in the same dashboard. This is why the HMI data structure is also graph-like. However, these reference nodes are not taken into account within the context of the presented solution and will not be explored further in this document.

Essentially, the properties of the aforementioned graphical environment which are of most import for the presented solution can be summarized with the few following points:

  • the graphical data structure is considered a pure tree data structure with only 1 root node (the 'View' node) and an arbitrary amount of branches and leaf nodes;
  • container nodes are henceforth also referenced as 'widgets'; these nodes do not hold any other kind of properties but can still be updated (see below);
  • leaf nodes are represented by nodes which hold some arbitrary information (such as text) which does not affect the optimization algorithm itself;
  • the dashboard occasionally refreshes its screen, after which it must redraw all of its elements;
  • there is no fixed refresh rate - the details of when this process takes place are of no significance to the presented solution algorithm;
  • any element's state may have been altered between two screen refreshes - this process is considered as an update to the altered node; if a node has been updated, it is marked as dirty until the screen has been refreshed;
  • it does not matter how many times a node is updated between two frames (two screen refreshes) - as long as it has been altered at least once it is considered dirty; there aren't nodes which are considered more dirty than others in the span of two frame refreshes.

Considering everything said, a very simplistic exemplary HMI graphical tree is given below:

 │   └──LED
     │   └──square
     │   └──letter
     │   └──letter
     │   └──letter

The 'view' node acts as the tree's root node which has a few branches. Some of them lead to 'widget' nodes which contain other types of nodes including other 'widget' nodes. Leaf nodes come in many different variations such as LEDs, letters, etc.

Brief summary of the problem

The previously presented example tree may mislead readers to believe that such a graphical data structure is fairly simple. In reality, it is much more complex and contains hundreds of nodes. A particular optimization problem arises when refreshing the screen - the dashboard system must rerender and redraw every single element of the tree. There is no caching mechanism in place to optimize this refreshing process. Since a tree is made up of hundreds of nodes and the rerendering process is rather slow, refreshing the dashboard screen leads to a substantial drop in performance and noticeable latency. Moreover, the (average) screen refresh rate cannot be lowered as some information displayed on the dashboard requires frequent reevaluation.

The following logical observation may be made on the graphical tree data structure: some items are updated very frequently, while others are changed every so often and remain almost static. For example, the elements representing the car's current speed must be updated almost every screen refresh, whilst the currently playing radio's name may remain unchanged for a long amount of time. Furthermore, it should be noted that there are facilities present to cache nodes inside the system's memory. By caching container nodes ('widgets') the states of all of its children will also be saved in one chunk of memory alongside their container node. Therefore, caching a widget may be viewed upon as a partial screenshot of the dashboard which may quickly and directly be redrawn when refreshing the screen.

Infrequently altered elements may be considered static. The problem then can be solved by developing an optimization algorithm which dynamically determines which nodes may be considered static. Once the whole tree has been evaluated for static nodes, the algorithm decides to cache the biggest static branches, closest to the root node. Therefore, only the most shallow nodes would need to be rerendered on-screen refresh while the cached static branches of the tree are directly pasted (redrawn) on the screen. This way, a lot of the rendering work is made obsolete and the performance of the system increases substantially.


The optimization algorithm presented has 2 aspects to its operation.

The cache table

The ultimate goal of the optimization algorithm can be considered the management of a cache table - a mapping between a node's unique identifier and a pointer/reference to the same node's cache entry in memory.

Frequency counting

The algorithm constantly keeps count of how many times a node has been made dirty during the lifetime of the system. It does not keep count of how many times a node has been updated - as long as it has altered its state at least once, the node is considered dirty. The update frequency of all nodes is kept within a count-min sketch data structure (which is discussed later in The count-min sketch (CMS) data structure).

For the purposes of this solution, some additional terminology is used:

  • a very dirty node is one which the algorithm has decided that it is updated very frequently; therefore it is not considered suitable for caching and is rerendered on every screen refresh; a container node is also automatically considered very dirty if any of its direct or indirect children is also very dirty;
  • a very clean node is one which is updated rather seldom in comparison to other nodes; it is essentially the opposite of a very dirty node and is thus considered suitable for caching.

Every time the screen refreshes the solution has to decide which nodes should be marked as very dirty and the others - as very clean. To achieve this, the Heavy Hitters algorithm (that is discussed later in the section The Approximate Heavy Hitters problem) is utilized to mark a number of nodes as very dirty whereas all others are marked as very clean.

Tree traversal

As explained in the last section, the optimization algorithm has the capability to consider which nodes are suitable for caching. On every screen refresh, the tree structure is traversed twice - once with a DFS (depth-first search) and the second time with a BFS (breadth-first search).

The first traversal of the tree uses DFS to clear the dirty flag (if the node has been updated since the last refresh), as well as mark each node as either very dirty or very clean. The marking decision is made based on frequency counting as elaborated on in the above subsection. The traversal method used here must be a DFS to properly mark container nodes based on the marking of their children nodes. Therefore, this DFS must traverse the entire tree data structure.

The second tree traversal utilizes a BFS to decide which nodes to cache, which - to rerender, and which - to load from the cache. The benefit of using a BFS traversal here is that the latter naturally reaches the uppermost (closest to the root) very clean nodes first. It is thus obsolete to traverse a very clean node's children, as the whole container's branch must be very clean for the widget itself to be very clean. The entire branch may then be cached. This is why the BFS algorithm traverses the entire tree only in the worst-case scenario - when all the nodes are non-cacheable. In practice, the BFS algorithm will always partially execute to achieve the goals of the solution.

Evaluating dirtiness

This section goes into more detail on the frequency counting facilities of the optimization algorithm.

As already discussed the solution utilizes the Approximate Heavy Hitters algorithm to determine the non-cacheable nodes. An excellent paper on this topic can be found here.

The count-min sketch (CMS) data structure

This particular data structure is used by the Approximate Heavy Hitters algorithm. The data structure is comprised of b buckets and l hash functions and supports two operations - Inc(x) and Count(x). The structure itself is a 2D array of b x l counters, initially set to 0. The Inc(x) operation increments the counters, located at every one of the l hash functions' results. Since a hash function has a finite amount of values for its result (i.e. an index to one of the buckets) collisions between counted elements will occur. However, since counters are never decremented, any one counter can only overestimate the frequency occurrence of any one item. Therefore, the Count(x) operation just returns the smallest value of any the l counters, pointed to by the computed values of the hash functions for the element x. This method of counting occurrence obviously produces errors but is independent of the number of elements which are tracked and therefore takes up a substantially smaller amount of memory.

The linked paper more thoroughly elaborates on the CMS. The most important takeaway points are left here as a list:

  • k - user-defined parameter; the maximum allowed amount of heavy hitters;
  • δ - the allowable error probability; set by the user;
  • ε - user-defined parameter; read the paper for more details; value is 1 / 2k;
  • b - number of buckets; equal to e / ε;
  • l - number of hash functions; equal to ceil(ln(1/δ)); In this project each hash function is generated via the following formula:
h = ((ax + b) mod p) mod b

  a - random non-negative integer;
  b - random positive integer;
  p - random prime number
  b - number of buckets

These are only used to deliver a PoC solution. Other families of hash functions may be more suitable for the purposes of the optimization algorithm, however, they are not explored in this document.

The Approximate Heavy Hitters problem

As previously mentioned, the Approximate Heavy Hitters algorithm uses a CMS to count the update frequency of all nodes. Since the optimization algorithm runs in real-time, without knowing in advance the number of times each node will be updated for the lifetime of the system, this algorithm has to run every time the screen refreshes and needs to keep track of the number of times nodes have collectively been marked dirty - a variable denoted by m. Therefore, all heavy hitters are considered nodes which have been dirty at least m / k times since the system started and are marked consequently as very dirty.

If implemented as stated above, however, a possible problem occurs. Remember that a node's update frequency is actually the number of times it has been marked dirty. Thus, its frequency counters (in the CMS) can only be increased by 1 between 2 frame refreshes. If its update frequency (theoretically assuming it is 100% accurate) reaches the required value of m / k in a given frame and the node has not been immediately updated in the next frame, whilst any other node has been (i.e. the value of m has increased), then the same node's update frequency will fall below the required m / k value to be considered a heavy hitter. This would result in unsatisfactory results where some nodes repeatedly change states between being very dirty and very clean. To adapt this algorithm to this project's problem, an additional user-defined parameter is required - the leeway (in the range 0-1). In order for a heavy hitter to be 'cleaned' and marked very clean again, it must have been made dirty less than (1 + leeway) * m / k times. This ensures that one newly marked heavy hitter will continue to be considered as such for several consecutive frames even if it isn't updated.

Implementation details

This section of the README document is meant for people who are interested in exploring the project's code. It does not elaborate additionally on the execution and reasoning behind the optimization algorithm.

Project structure - brief rundown

The following output (partially modified) is produced by running the command Linux command 'tree' in the project's root directory:

.<project root directory>
├── bin
│   ├── solution
│   └── test
│       └── ...<output ommitted>
├── docs
│   └── doxygen
│       └── ...<output ommitted>
├── Doxyfile
├── include
│   ├── catch2
│   │   └── catch.hpp
│   ├── heavy_hitters
│   │   └── ...<output ommitted>
│   ├── lib
│   ├── solution
│   │   └── ...<output ommitted>
│   ├── std_helper
│   │   └── ...<output ommitted>
│   ├── __test
│   │   └── ...<output ommitted>
│   └── tree
│       └── ...<output ommitted>
├── lib
├── Makefile
├── src
│   ├── heavy_hitters
│   │   ├── ...<output ommitted>
│   │   └──
│   ├── solution
│   │   ├── ...<output ommitted>
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── std_helper
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── ...<output ommitted>
│   ├── __test
│   │   └── ...<output ommitted>
│   └── tree
│       ├──
│       └── ...<output ommitted>
├── test
│   └── ...<output ommitted>
└── tmp
    ├── inputs
    │   ├── input0.txt
    │   ├── input1.txt
    │   └── input2.txt
    └── obj
        └── ...<output ommitted>

The entire project is managed via the Make utility. The project's root contains the main 'Makefile' which may be used to build the project (see Build and run). The project also contains some other important files such as 'LICENSE', '' and 'Doxyfile'.

The C++ project is split into so-called 'modules'. They are meant to separate the project's code into smaller, more manageable and logically-linked pieces. Instructions to compile each module are found within the various smaller make files (with extension '.mk'). Each module has its own source code files, header files, as well as unit tests and are namespaced appropriately within the C++ code. This project has the following modules:

  • 'heavy hitters': defines the CMS structure;
  • 'std_helper': functionality to more easily interface with some parts of C++'s standard library;
  • 'tree': defines a simulated stripped-down tree data structure to represent the real HMI graphical environment;
  • 'solution': this module holds the program's 'main' function and produces an executable to run;
  • '__test': ignore this module (see Unit tests). As mentioned above the 'solution' module utilizes all other modules to compile the entire program and produce an executable, named after the same module, for use.

The project's file structure is summarized in the following list:

  • 'bin/': project's produced executables;
  • 'src/': project's C++ source code (separated in modules);
  • 'include/': project's C++ header files (separated in modules);
  • 'lib/': third party C++ libraries/code should be stored here; since this project does not use any such code this folder should be ignored;
  • 'test/': project's unit tests (separated in modules); ignore this folder (see Unit tests);
  • 'docs/': files, related to project documentation (see Documentation);
  • 'tmp/': various temporary files;
    • 'tmp/obj/': compiled object files from the project's source code;
    • 'tmp/inputs/': exemplary user input (see Build and run);

Unit tests

The project's structure has facilities to write unit tests with the Catch2 C++ testing framework. However, no unit tests have been written for this project and all files and folders related to unit testing should be ignored.

C++ version

This project is written in modern C++, i.e. the code must be compiled with the C++11 standard or above.


This project is only a Proof of Concept build - this is neither the final solution to the presented optimization problem nor is the algorithm run on the real HMI data structure. In a way, the project can be viewed on as a simulation. The HMI data structure is represented by a stripped-down tree with an arbitrary amount of nodes. The latter only have unique ids and various flags, indicating the dirtiness of said node, as well as some arbitrary insignificant information (for leaf nodes). All graphical processes such as rendering, drawing, caching, retrieving from the cache, etc. are purely demonstrative (e.g. the rendering process is simulated via a deliberate time delay).


This project's C++ source code is documented with Doxygen. Most of the files are fully documented.

To generate the Doxygen documentation (from the project's root directory):

$ doxygen

Then, open the 'index.html' file within the 'docs/doxygen/html/' folder (with Firefox, for example):

$ firefox docs/doxygen/html/index.html

Build and run

This section has instructions on building and running the project with exemplary user input.

Building the project

First of all, clone the GitHub project:

$ git clone
$ cd HMI-Tree-Optimization/

The Make utility is used to compile the source code and build the project. You can fully build it like so:

$ make

After that, an executable named 'solution' will be generated in the 'bin/' directory which can be run (see below).

In case you wish to delete all project binaries and compiled object files, the following command could be used:

$ make clean


After the project has been built, it can be executed from the command line with a number of compulsory user-defined paramters:

$ ./bin/solution {0|1-debug} {k} {δ} {leeway}

  debug - set to 1 to display additional debugging information;
  k - maximum number of heavy hitters;
  δ - the allowed error probability (in the range 0-1);
  leeway - in the range 0-1.

This project comes with a few exemplary user input files, located in the 'tmp/inputs/' folder. Then, the program can be executed like so:

$ ./bin/solution 1 3 0.01 0.01 < tmp/inputs/input1.txt

User input

The program accepts input from STDIN to build a simulation tree and perform various operations on it. The reader is advised to take a look at any one of the provided exemplary user input files.

Building a tree

First, the program reads an integral value n. The latter determines the number of tree nodes (excluding the readily available root node) that the tree has. Afterward, the next n lines of input define each tree node, one line per node. Each line is in CSV format:

{parent id},{type},{id},[arg1,arg2...]

  parent_id - this node's parent's id; integer;
  type - node type as a single letter; currently the only available types 
         are: 'W' - widget, 'T' - text;
  id - this node's unique id; integer;
  [arg1,arg2...] - additional arguments, required for node construction;
                   depends on the node's type.

For example, to create a text node which is directly connected to the root, has an id of '33' and retains the text 'Hello World':

<input ommitted>
0,T,33,Hello World
<input ommitted>


There are several operations implemented which are meant to simulate the real HMI graphical environment with only the features that are of most import to the optimization algorithm. The commands are inputted one per line and the available ones are:

  • print: displays the current state of the simulated tree. Each node is displayed by its type (represented as a single character) and its unique id. There are also two other symbols which may appear next to the node's type letter: '*' if the node is dirty; '%' if the node is very dirty. Some exemplary output from the print command is provided below:
 │    └──T│21
 │    └──%W│35
 │    │    └──T│44
 │    │    └──T│43
 │    │    └──T│41
 │    │    └──%*T│42
 │    └──T│34
 │    └──T│33
 │    └──T│31
 │    └──T│32
  • refresh: simulates a screen refresh. As previously discussed, the optimization algorithm runs when the screen is refreshed.
  • update: this command issues and update to a node. The command itself is in the following CSV format:

  id - unique id of updated node; integer;
  [arg1,arg2...] - additional arguments, required to update the node; depends
                   on node's type.

For example, to update the text node with id '33' by replacing its text content with 'dirty':

<input ommitted>
<input ommitted>
  • end: exits the program.


This project is distributed under the MIT license