Created a report that includes what cryptocurrencies are on the trading market. Determined whether they can be grouped to create a classification system for this new investment.
Processed data to fit t-SNE & k-Means.
into Pandas. The dataset was obtained from CryptoCompare. -
Discard all cryptocurrencies that are not being traded.
Remove all rows that have at least one null value.
Filter for cryptocurrencies that have been mined.
Covert dataset to numeric be comprehensible to a machine learning algorithm.
Use Pandas to create dummy variables for
, into numerical data. -
Standardize the dataset so that columns that contain larger values do not unduly influence the outcome.
Performed dimensionality reduction with PCA. Preserved 90% of the explained variance in dimensionality reduction.
Further reduced the dataset dimensions with t-SNE and visually inspect the results.
- Create an elbow plot to identify the best number of clusters.
- Determine the inertia for each
between 1 through 10 to identify the number of the clusters
- Based on the visualization and analysis above, this cryptocurrencies dataset can be clustered into 4 distinct groups. I would recommand my clients at the investment bank that the cryptocurrencies can be grouped and created a classification system in order to develop a new investment portfolio for their customers.